Japanese language course for N1 exam


there're probably not many people learning Japanese in this forum but if there's anyone having intention to take N1 this year, let's study together ^^

i don't have much of problem conversing in Japanese however I do need to learn more accademic and business Japanese, especially improving my reading and Kanji. There's a language school called Nhật Ngữ Sài Gòn - Saigon Japanese language center in D3 and they are opening classes to help you with N1 exam in July. However, it can't be opened if there's not enough students. The class was once cancelled in early Feb due to this matter.

They only need 4-5 students to open the course on Mar 3. If you plan to take N1 this year, let's enroll for this course together.

Also if you need a study partner to learn Japanese in the evenings or during weekends and you are about N2-N1 level, let me know anytime, it'll be more productive to study in group.

Send me quick a PM if you are interested in and i'll in touch with you soon :)


Hello Satran.

Maybe you could post an advert in the Classes section in the Ho Chi Minh classifieds. It may help. ;)

Thank you,