Jobs opportunities in Cape Verde

Hello my names Robert. I'm an experienced fisherman looking to sell all of my belongings and move to Cape Verde to start my own fishing and tourism business.

I have been fishing for 40 years + I would like to relocate and live there with my son and which we will be working two boats for commercial (if aloud with licence's) and pleasure use for passenger and would also be tempted to buy and provided a Inflatable rib for lifesaving similar to the RNLI boats we have here in the uk as we also have experienced and history working for them because during my last trip to Cape Verde I didn't see any coast guarding or live saving boats or equipment and tragically when I was there I was told of a story of a young boy and his farther who where lost at sea when they where there we would like to help provide some safety lessons and equipment while we are living there and hopefully set up a love saving operation there any advice on how to get started would be very much appreciated!
@Robert Broderick
How I getting citizenship cape Verde
Hello my names Robert. I'm an experienced fisherman looking to sell all of my belongings and move to Cape Verde to start my own fishing and tourism business.

I have been fishing for 40 years + I would like to relocate and live there with my son and which we will be working two boats for commercial (if aloud with licence's) and pleasure use for passenger and would also be tempted to buy and provided a Inflatable rib for lifesaving similar to the RNLI boats we have here in the uk as we also have experienced and history working for them because during my last trip to Cape Verde I didn't see any coast guarding or live saving boats or equipment and tragically when I was there I was told of a story of a young boy and his farther who where lost at sea when they where there we would like to help provide some safety lessons and equipment while we are living there and hopefully set up a love saving operation there any advice on how to get started would be very much appreciated!
- @Robert Broderick
Hi Robert,

My reactions are below:

I would like to relocate and live there with my son
On which island are you planning to relocate? The feasibility of your proposed business depends on where you plan to locate such business.

... we will be working two boats for commercial (if aloud with licence's) and pleasure use for passenger
Note that only Cape Verdean citizens can obtain fishing permits whether artesanal or commercial fishing. But you can indeed own a pleasure boat OR a sportsfishing boat. Sportsfishing would be a good business opportunity as there are a lot of tourists who would be interested in this kind of pleasure activity.

...and would also be tempted to buy and provided a Inflatable rib for lifesaving similar to the RNLI boats we have here in the uk as we also have experienced and history working for them because during my last trip to Cape Verde I didn't see any coast guarding
As you noted, life-saving is the province of the CV Coat Guard. They have vessels, but keep in mind that Cape Verde consists of 10 islands with 1,000 km of shoreline situated within a vast expanse of ocean, so it is extremely unlikely that you would see any of the few coast guard vessels "patrolling". So, they don't have nearly enough vessels to partol such vast open waters and long costlines. In any event, you would not be permitted to operate your own life-saving or search and rescue operations, or even assist. Whenever they need help, they call upon other countries including the Portuguese, Spanish and US military/navy to assit in search and rescue operations. While there are a few cases of disappeared fishermen, they are so infrequent and there is so much bureaucracy involved in trying to get involved that you'd be wasting your time and money to bother with offering search and rescue services. But I'm sure they would be happy to take donations of inflatable ribs etc if you offer them (keep in mind that there would be a substantial importation duty you'd have to cover to bring such vessels into the cuntry).

...we would like to help provide some safety lessons while we are living there
Why? These are already provided by the maritime authorities and all mariners including the local fishermen are required to take safety courses to obtain and retain their licenses and to keep their seaman's books up to date. There are already maritime schools in CV. If you choose to provide safety lessons privately, no seamen would take them since it wouldn't count towards their credits, unless you offer these lessons for free. And even so, you would have to make sure your lessons exceed the quality and scope of what is already available.

Robert, perhaps you do not realize that Cape Verde has been a country where fishing has historically been the primary lifesyle and form of income for over a hundred years, and has had very strong and highly regulated maritime infrastructure developed over that period. The maritime sector is the biggest sector of the economy. I would encourage you to go visit the IMP (maritime and port authority) next time you are in CV before venturing beyond what foreign investors are permitted to do (sportsfishing and other watersports businesses) within the maritime industry, otherwise you'll simply be wasting your time and your money if you act on notions you perceived in a single visit or based on anecdotal stories you hear from locals.

Even if you plan to offer sportsfishing or other watersports, keep in mind that these are heavily regulated so you should get al of the relevant information before you starting such a touristic business. There are also some fiscal benefits that you can obtain which will save you money on import duties and other taxes.

Let me know if you need that kind of assistance.



Hello, CVAngelo
Greetings from Cameroon.
My name  is  Michael. A Professional Elementary School Teacher with ten plus years of teaching experience. I am looking for a teaching job in Cape Verde.
I am a holder of Bachelor degree in Curriculum Studies and Teaching and a Teacher's Grade One diploma to teach in primary schools.
Could you please help me in this search?
I will appreciate.
Best regards.
Hello, CVAngelo
Greetings from Cameroon.
My name  is  Michael. A Professional Elementary School Teacher with ten plus years of teaching experience. I am looking for a teaching job in Cape Verde.
I am a holder of Bachelor degree in Curriculum Studies and Teaching and a Teacher's Grade One diploma to teach in primary schools.
Could you please help me in this search?
I will appreciate.
Best regards.
- @tchobamichaeltchoba

Hi Michael,

It is NOT a good idea to come to Cape Verde to teach in the primary schools.

First of all, are you fluent in Portuguese? Classes are instructed in the official language, Portuguese. How will you teach children who speak no English???

Public school teachers in Cape Verde must first pass the national teachers test before they can apply for a teaching job. The test is given only in Portuguese. There are hundreds of local university graduates taking the test each year. But there are not hundreds of teaching jobs available. Only a few are selected.



Unsafe to post contact details here.

The forum is not set up as a job agency. You can place your CV in the jobs in Cape Verde section at the top of this page.

Perhaps a Google search my find a job for you.

@CVAngelo finding this helpful - but link not working? Trying to be more specific my questions here.. (see above your comment regarding the startup process ect..)

Hello Tracy Thompson,

Trying to be more specific my questions here.. (see above your comment regarding the startup process ect..)

Where did you post your question ?

This is an old thread from 2013 - 2022 ....



@gehern health care giving and pre school teaching

@gehern health care giving and pre school teaching

Hi there. It's unclear to whwom you are directing this message/question. Please be more specific in terms of what you are asking about healthcare giving and pre-school teaching.


@Aurélie I am Moira Malama Mututubanya from Zambia..

I have a Certificate in Early childhood education and a Certificate in Health Care Giving.

@CVAngelo ,I want a job as a teacher  in  a secondary school or primary school in  Cape Verde, I am  a teacher in  nigeria,  my name is Bernard Bassey.

@CVAngelo ,I want a job as a teacher in a secondary school or primary school in Cape Verde, I am a teacher in nigeria, my name is Bernard Bassey.

Hi Bernard,

You previously posted this same question on the forum. Here is the essence of my earlier reply:

Cape Verde is a Portuguese speaking country. To be a teacher of any subject at the primary or secondary school level, you must be fluent in Portuguese, possess at least a bachelor's degree and be certified by the Cape Verde Ministry of Education to be a teacher.

Becoming certified requires that you pass a certification exam that is given in Portuguese. This exam is taken each year by dozens of local university graduates each year. Not everyone who passes the exam will be selected to be placed in a teaching job because there are far fewer jobs than candidates.

In summary, you will first need to be fluent in Portuguese. Second, you will need to pass the certification exam. Third, you will have to be selected over hundreds of local, certified candidates.

Best regards,


@Aurélie My name is Olayinka a registered Nurse Midwife from Nigeria,I wish to work as a nurse midwife at cape Verde. Thanks.

@Aurélie I am Olayinka a registered Nurse Midwife from Nigeria I wish to work as a nurse midwife at cape Verde. Thanks

@Aurélie how are you am planning to travel to Cape Verde my profession is bricklayer

Bricklayer is a good job

@Olayinka Aigbodion nurse is a good job

@Aurélie I am Olayinka a registered Nurse Midwife from Nigeria I wish to work as a nurse midwife at cape Verde. Thanks
-@Olayinka Aigbodion

Hi Aurélie,

Cape Verde is a Portuguese-speaking country. To work as a professional in any area in Cape Verde, you must be fluent in Portuguese as it is the official language. Please be aware that English is not spoken in the hospitals here.

Second, to work here as a nurse, you will need to be certified by the Ministry of Health. The certification exams are administered in Portuguese.

If you are not fluent in Portuguese, it would not be possible to work as a nurse in Cape Verde.



@Zohaib Bhutta Are you in Cape Verde already ?

@henryeric6969 yah so how do you connect me to have the opportunity to secure it

Where in Cv are you at?


I live in Praia, Cape Verde.


@gehern hey im Irish,think Spanish and Portuguese is essential

    My name is Imran Nisar and I am living in Lahore-Pakistan. I have a plan to move abroad. Cape verde is a tourist country and I want to introduce the product of Pakistan.I like to visit Cape Verde for for work or business. So, I am in search of any job specially in supermarket or warehouse. If I have to start business there then I have to learn about the market as well. That's why I am interested in supermarket job.        -@imrannisar200

Hi Imran,

You have an interesting plan. I think you can study Cape Verde at a distance. There's international and national economic data on CV out there. Start with the CIA Factbook.

I'm sure if you did a little research, you will note that the official language here is Portuguese. Hopefully you can speak this language, otherwise there will be ZERO chance of finding a job in a grocery or warehouse.

You will probably discover too that CV imports probably 90% of everything it consumes. Most of the imports come from Portugal and Europe which is very close to CV from an international shipping perspective. There is a much lesser volume which comes from China. The Chinese importers and retailers here in Cape Verde work collectively to import their goods together to keep the shipping cost per business owner very low. This way, they can compete with the European importers who each do their own thing.

I'm trying to understand how you will compete. The buyers are totally unfamiliar with Pakistani products. Local consumers have a strong bias toward European products because of historical familiarity (and tourists buy ONLY what is in the hotels and restaurants, and they in turn import everything from Europe because that's where 90% of the tourists come from).

If local consumers find equivalent products at cheaper prices, they will certainly purchase them as the average consumer is price driven being that they are EXTREMELY poor. So we see many importers now bringing products from Morocco, Egypt, Turkey, etc. But, they are not shipping those products from long distances as they are finding distributors much closer in order to keep the shipping prices comparable to imports coming from Europe.

So the big question for you is how you would keep the cost of shipping Pakistani products low for local consumers. Even products from the USA are not found in any quantity here because the shipping distance to the USA is about double the cost of shipping from Europe. American products are considered specialty products and cost substantially more than the European equivalents. They are purchased ONLY by US expats and Cape Verdeans who have returned from the US, because those consumers have much higher disposable income compared to the average Cape Verdean consumer and they have a bias to American products due to familiarity.

So, I'd encourage you to do your homework before attempting to start the business idea you mentioned. Please note that half the local consumers and most of the product distributors live on the island of Santiago, so that is where you'll need to focus your research efforts.




Moderated by Bhavna 6 months ago
Reason : Please create your CV in the Jobs section at the Top.
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct


I have 2 degrees, obtained from institutes of world recognition. I am graduate civil engineer & MBA. I have utilised both degrees for Project Management. I have also qualified International English Language Test. So I can communicate in English. I have +25 years local & Middle East experience. I have a PE license from Pakistan Engineering Council.

Please help me find a job in your company or anywhere in Cape Verde.

I have 2 degrees, obtained from institutes of world recognition. I am graduate civil engineer & MBA. I have utilised both degrees for Project Management. I have also qualified International English Language Test. So I can communicate in English. I have +25 years local & Middle East experience. I have a PE license from Pakistan Engineering Council.
Please help me find a job in your company or anywhere in Cape Verde.


I have sent you several private messages, but you have not responded!


Kind regards

Ehsan Qadir

    [Post under review]


I've asked you several times over the past few weeks to send me a private message! You cannot post such info in the public forum.


I am a Quantity Surveyor and Architectural designer and have +15 years experience in the same field including 9 years MIDDLE EAST experience (4 years Dubai & 5 years Saudi Arabia

Planned to move to capeverde or Europe for job and stay what are the chances of getting job there

@Aurélie, I need any kind of job. I give my best. Please help me... Thankss

hi,may some one advise me.i wish to travel to Cape Verde .i really don't no the job opportunities that are available.I need any type of job..

I will give my best. I am ready to do any kind of job. If anyone has any job please contact me.


    I am a Quantity Surveyor and Architectural designer and have +15 years experience in the same field including 9 years MIDDLE EAST experience (4 years Dubai & 5 years Saudi ArabiaPlanned to move to capeverde or Europe for job and stay what are the chances of getting job there        -@maamir123101

Hi Maamir123101

Your chances of getting a job in Cape Verde are exactly zero. First of all, you must speak Portuguese fluently to have any chance of finding work here.

Furthermore, architects must be Capeverdean under the laws of CV so you cannot work independently in your area or practice. You can only work for a Capeverdean architect.

Finally, Cape Verde is tiny and poor. The population is only half million of which half are children. We produce nothing, so there is no industrial sector to speak of to generate wealth. As a result, there are few jobs created here. And even if you could find a job, you probably would not want it because salaries here are very low.

For example, you would be very lucky to realize a monthly salary of €1,500 as this would be the maximum for a Capeverdean professional in your field. I am sure that this is much lower than your expectations if you have worked in Dubai and Saudi Arabia.

Foreigners seeking jobs in Cape Verde appear to be unaware that unemployment rates in Cape Verde are quite high and that thousands of Capeverdeans leave the country each year to seek employment in Portugal because there are few jobs here, and that any job opportunities that do exist are low paying jobs (minimum wage is €140/month).

So, I am always surprised that English-speaking professionals think that jobs are plentiful here, and that there are job opportunities in this tiny, poor, Portuguese-speaking country! Please do your research. There is ample information about job opportunities in Cape Verde that can be found via a simple Google search.

Best of luck with your job search. You'd be well advised to search elsewhere.


    hi,may some one advise me.i wish to travel to Cape Verde .i really don't no the job opportunities that are available.I need any type of job..
I will give my best. I am ready to do any kind of job. If anyone has any job please contact me.

    -@Hamza Chaudhary

Hi Hamza,

Even though this forum is for English-speakers, you should be aware that Cape Verde is a Portuguese speaking country. English is not spoken here.

Thus, if you don't speak Portuguese fluently, you will not be able to find any type of job here. And even if you could find a job, the average monthly salary is €250.

I would encourage you to search elsewhere.

Best regards,
