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Hi guys

i am looking for some information about biological jobs like work in a lab... i have B.S in biochemistry can i find the good job in erbil?

See also

Job offers in IraqLiving in Iraq: the expat guide800$ per month in Erbil, enough?What is an acceptable day rate?Civil Aviation Authority

Hello rozhin.

Welcome to! :)

I hope members will soon give some informations.

The Jobs in Iraq section is at your disposal. Do not hesitate to post an advert there.

Thank you,


hi aurelie
tanks for reply:)
i hope too:/

tank u.

aide donor

Hi rozhin,

Sure there is opportunity for your specialty because day by day Erbil become bigger and more people come to Erbil for medical treatment.
Nowadays the number of private clinics and private hospitals increase unimaginably not just for treating Erbil people but for treating all the Iraqi cities people, because I want explain you that Erbil now is a center for all Iraqi famous doctors so people follow them to Erbil allover Iraqi cities.

Good luck with hope best job


hello aide
tanks for your reply, actually  my situation is good i am iraqi citizen and i think it is help me to find governmental  job i hop too

tank you,

aide donor

here is many people want governmental job, so there is a lot of demand on this, but what I can tell you is that connection determine on your refuse and  accept.


yes that is right