Doctor Patient relationship

Is it normal for a doctor not to charge for consultation but ask for a charity donation that is paid to her and not directly to the charity? First time consulting with this doctor and I wonder how this is going to go...


Not come across your issue before. I have seen the same doctor for years in the Lorma private hospital and simply pay the P400 bill. Is your doctor in a small clinic or stand alone doctor. What sort of donation is expected?

It doesn't sound normal to ask for a donation.

Cheers, Steve.

Filamretire asked . . . . Is it normal for a doctor not to charge for consultation but ask for a charity donation that is paid to her and not directly to the charity? First time consulting with this doctor and I wonder how this is going to go...


It's not normal for a Doctor to waive a consultation fee unless you are a relative, close friend or the Doctor is a social worker. The real question is: Did the Doctor suggest the fee amount or leave it up to your generosity?

When I was a newly wed with my first life, my wife as a teenager use to babysit his children. When we started our family he was our Doctor. His fee was pay me what you can, which ended up being several dollars.

         Sounds like a scam to avoid reporting taxable income.

@Filamretire Never experienced that one. Perhaps it is a tax dodge as no receipt is issued. Also with no record may not have to pay for offices she is using

Doctor is a friend of a friend. No set charge, just donate. Not a small clinic. Tax dodge didnt occur to me, but unlikely since I think doctor is part of a group that does charity work. Anyways, rubbed me the wrong way initially I'm willing to move on past it

             Sounds like a scam to avoid reporting taxable income.


True. She will probably insist on cash only