Nicotine patches in Bangkok

Are you able to obtain nicotine patches in Bangkok and if so, where?

Have searched Shopee and Lazada with no luck.

Oops, I don't know what happened there.

I'm British and reside in Bangkok.


You probably have more chance to get cannabis than nicotine patches in Thailand...

    Have searched Shopee and Lazada with no luck.        -@rangspath

Search for 'anti-smoke or anti-smoking patches Thailand' instead. I know they are available.

Or go to Lazada and search for anti smoke patches.

Thanks LF.

Yes, Lazada do sell Nicorette patches but unfortunately they're out of stock.

I will keep searching.

    Thanks LF.Yes, Lazada do sell Nicorette patches but unfortunately they're out of stock.I will keep searching.        -@rangspath

You didn't ask for Nicorette patches. There are other patches than Nicorette. The use of nicotine patches is not very common in Thailand. I don't know if they are available in pharmacies.

Hello rangspath,

Your thread is now on the Bangkok forum.



Cheryl team

    Thanks LF.Yes, Lazada do sell Nicorette patches but unfortunately they're out of stock.I will keep searching.        -@rangspath

Lazada is not a store,it's a platform

But I found this:

    Hello rangspath,
Your thread is now on the Bangkok forum.


Cheryl team


Hi, can you please stop reviewing links?

I attached 3 links from Lazada,and the third one is under review. It makes no sense what so ever.

@Leeds forever!

Hello, we don't block the links, the website does. It has it's own anti-spam security parameters.

This forms part on the core programming of the website and will not be changed as it protects the forum from spammers.

Sorry for the inconvenience


Hi guys,

In every pharmacy, everywhere in Thailand, I always got boxes of nicotine chewing gums. I mean, even in Nan.

As I don't think I've been particularly lucky ( strike ) every time, il mustn't be difficult to find some. Especially in Bangkok.