Overstaying penalty in uruguay on tourist visa expired

I am planning to settle in uruguary pls suggest how can I come and settle in uruguay.

I have not work permit and presently I am in India

Hello Manoj,

Welcome to expat.com!

If I correctly understood, you've already been to Uruguay and you overstayed there....

Firstly, may I know the reason why you overstayed?

I am planning to settle in uruguary

What exactly is your expatriation project? Do you want to work there? If yes, have you done a little research about the job market there?


Expat.com team

Exactly to know more about the job market in Uraguay.

I have done 3yrs Polytechnic Diploma in Automobile Engg.

Presently I am in India and making a plan for tourist visa after that convert into it work visa .

Thank you yoginee for reply.

Kindly further reply on my query.

@Manoj Rawat52  good luck , I recently discovered something about

Uruguayan citizenship,

a foreign person who obtains Uruguayan citizenship retains his original nationality in his Uruguayan Passport ,  Myanmar and uruguay don't have a path to naturalization for foreigners