
Biting flies in Rio

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I have visited my girlfriend's  family on the outskirts of Rio twice.  And both times I got some insect bites on my feet and legs that were the worst that I have ever had.  I have visited and lived in many places in the world and have been bitten by lots of insects but have never had anywhere near this kind of reaction - they swell, get discolored, and fill with fluid.  And the worst part is that they freaking itch like hell!  Does anyone know what they are (probably a biting fly but I don't know for sure because I don't feel the bite, which is also very unusual) and have a solution for prevention and treatment?    I haven't  had this problem in Sao Paulo, Maceio, the Amazon, or anywhere else in Brasil.

Muito obrigado!

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If you sat or stayed in a grassy pasture or any grassy area where cattle have been, it could be chiggers. The symptoms sound a lot like chiggers.



I believe you are talking about Borrachudos which are small black flies that bite. Certain locations in Brazil are quite well known for them. I have unfortunately seen them along the coasts of SP and Rio states. While they do not carry diseases, their bites are red, and swollen, usually forming a crust that can last for 7-14 days, WOW, and itch like crazy.  They are out in the day, not night, arriving in late October for a couple of months. I like to go to Ilhabela island which is very well known for them. Any repellent prevents their very annoying bites.


Hi Tim,

Your problem sounds like something I had to deal with while stationed in Panama.  I'd got bites like that on my feet while walking barefoot in the grass one day.  My feet swelled to the point that I could not put my boots on!  I ended up scratching my feet, and rubbing all bites with a septic stick.  They dried up by the next day!  I hope that this works for you!  Boa sorte!



These are not chiggers and may not be borrachudos, as the bites seem to show up after dark.  Another strange thing about them is that I have only gotten them on my feet and legs, despite my head and arms being equally unprotected.  My girlfriend has also been bitten but has not reacted as badly as mine have.  I seem to be particularly sensitive to these little devils.


@timhoffnagle, I'm betting on borrachudos like @rraypo. I've run into them from Niterói to Santos and they're no fun at all. Like mosquitos they have an anticoagulant that comes with their bite. Some quick relief possibilities: rubbing alcohol, native bee honey, oatmeal skin products (like Aveeno which often comes with hydrocortisone), basil essential oil, aloe vera (which is easy to find).

Some people are more sensitive and some people also seem to be more attractive to them. I always get great relief from biting bugs when my Norwegian brother-in-law visits. He's a "magnet" for everything that hunts for blood. Poor thing!


Hi Tim,  I am quite sure you are having a severe localized reaction to black flies.  I have the same problem.  I get severe localized swelling after a bite with severe itching.  You can use insecticide on your skin and it will likely help a lot.  I hate using it so I try to avoid situations where I might get bit.  I used to visit a dog near us every day and bring him chicken (this poor guy lives alone and gets fed few times a week by caretaker).  After getting bit 4 times in 2 weeks I now try to minimize my time in that yard and feed him through the fence.  The swelling I get it so bad that I have considered going to the hospital........ I think most people just get a little bump but a small % get the severe localized reaction.  Yes, and Ihabelha island, near Sao Paulo has a major black fry problem so it's not on my bucket list 1f60a.svg


Borrachudos, mosquito polvora ( gun powder mosquitoes ).

Go to a Drugstore or home improvement store and get

1.A good skin repellent.  Bayer used to have a good one, going way back.  Don't overuse. 

2.On hardware stores, you will find all kinds of "Repelentes" , some are outlet plug ins

3.Some indoor Repelentes  are those snake like ( Spyral )that you lit up and the burn through the night. Baygon is the most sold brand ( Bayer ).

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