Job offers in Lisbon

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Latest job offers in Lisbon
Added on 20/09/2024
Added on 23/08/2024
Everything you need to know to work in Lisbon
Working in Lisbon
Lisbon is Portugal's capital and also the largest city in the country. Furthermore, it is the richest metropolitan area in the country and the main center of business, manufacturing, trade and other economic activities. If you're trying to find a job in Portugal, you won't have it easier than in Lisbon!
Understanding the work culture in Lisbon
Congratulations! You moved to Lisbon, and you've also landed your first job in the Portuguese capital. Whether you're taking your first steps as a digital nomad, a TEFL teacher, or an office worker, your first day might bring some excitement and anxiety… There's no need to be nervous, though! We are here to guide you through the Portuguese working environment.
The labor market in Lisbon
A thriving destination for tourists and expats alike, Lisbon's labor market is the best it has been in years, with a low unemployment percentage and plenty of offers in key areas. However, while the relatively tame cost of living and great quality of life attract more and more expats looking for sunshine and great food, the Portuguese economy is famous for running on low wages, making it increasingly difficult for the average Portuguese worker to afford to live in the capital.
Setting up a business in Portugal
From stunning beaches on the Atlantic coast and a mild Mediterranean climate to fabulous food and rich history and culture, Portugal is a popular destination for both tourists and expats. However, the country's growing economy and the security of being an EU member state attract lots of investment from international companies, meaning Portugal is far from being all about leisure. These and other factors make it a somewhat favorable environment for new entrepreneurs and startup founders.
Become a digital nomad in Portugal
Geographically somewhat isolated from the rest of Europe, Portugal is a space of unique culture, traditions and architecture and home to some of Europe's most spectacular natural sights. Moreover, the country's illustrious history, welcoming people, and delicious food leave nobody indifferent.
Internships in Portugal
Many students and young professionals dream of acquiring professional experience in a foreign country, which can be of great benefit to your professional career.
Added on 18/08/2024
EUR 1300
Added on 18/08/2024
EUR 1500
Job candidates in Lisbon
I T Engineer
Prashant kale
Permanent contract
Added on 02/10/2024
EUR 2000
Call center Customer Service Advisor Telemarketer
Av IBN SINAD Immeuble 12
Permanent contract
Added on 19/07/2024
telephone advisor
TAMIRI Mohamed
Permanent contract
Added on 15/07/2024
Job search
Fixed-term contract
Added on 11/07/2024
USD 2000
Added on 07/07/2024
USD 3000
Banquet Chef, Head Chef, Private Chef
Iain McBride
Permanent contract
Added on 10/05/2024
EUR 2500
Added on 24/04/2024
EUR 1500
Added on 25/01/2024
Permanent contract
Added on 31/12/2023
USD 800000
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