How to boost your career when returning to your home country

  • job interview
Published on 2021-08-24 at 10:00 by Magdalena Grdanoska
After living abroad for a long time, returning home can be an adventure in itself. The longer you have been away, the more it will take to get used to the mentality in your country. Luckily, experiences abroad are very important for the job search, and they will bring you an advantage in the labour market. Going back might sometimes feel like a reverse cultural shock and will take some adaptation time, but this can soon come to your benefit when looking for a job.

Here are some practical bits of advice for boosting your career chances after a long absence.

Always remember your connections.

Even while being abroad, it is important to keep your valuable connections because they might come in handy when you return. Having some good contacts in your home country is important as they can share with you information regarding job opportunities or about new trends in the workplaces. 

Keep some savings for the initial period.

Looking for a job might take some time, and moving is always costly, even more so if you're doing it with a family. Therefore, it is very important to be properly prepared for the period to come. Having savings during the job search will help you make more calm and wise decisions for your career growth. 

Use your language knowledge.

Remember to use your language knowledge to your advantage and search for opportunities that will appreciate it. Speaking a foreign language will open many doors; therefore, you can always seek opportunities in international companies or industries that collaborate with the country you were staying in.

Be open to learning.

Value your hard skills, but always learn something new. As in every job search, you need to be aware of the current trends and practices. If you have been working in an industry for too long without updating your knowledge, now is the time you do it. Search for courses or academies in your country that will allow you to keep up with your work, whether that is IT knowledge, language courses or social media. It is much easier to find career opportunities when you're an expert in your field. 

Don't take your soft skills for granted.

Your work ethic might be stronger than what is common in your country. Being organised, punctual, decisive and flexible are essential behaviour methods for an expat. Having them will make you stand out even in a larger working environment. Do not try to adapt back to comfort, instead motivate the others around you to follow your example. 

Be ready to adapt.

Start something new, and be prepared for the time to adapt. Returning home due to a career change is a big step that requires time and dedication. The knowledge you have gained abroad will guide you to your new idea but don't forget to adapt to the local mentality. Keep your ideas open and let yourself be taught by the locals who are aware of the current business in your country.

Start slow.

If you have studied abroad and have decided to return to your country, you will enjoy the advantage that an international bachelor or master will bring. But don't forget to start slow. Sometimes you might need additional training or internship before you get the position you desire. Be open and accepting of the opportunities around you so you can gain valuable work experience.

You may have to lower your salary expectations.

Given that the country you lived in before had better work opportunities, you might feel disappointed by the salary opportunities that your country offers. Do good research on the current salaries in your field. Stay positive and consider the positive aspects of this change, as some countries have lower salaries but offer better work-life balance or have lower living expenses.

Do not consider moving back a failure.

On the contrary, it is an opportunity for you and your surroundings to see how much you have learned in the past period. You might be surprised by the skills that you have learned and by the changes in your personality after living abroad without the help of your loved ones. Be proud of your achievements and prepare yourself for what's to come. 

Highlight your expertise and find a workplace that will value it.

Your international and multicultural knowledge should not be taken for granted. Be open for opportunities, but also do not accept jobs that will diminish your abilities and motivation. Be aware of your qualities, and do not fear to search for a position you deserve. 

Connect with like-minded people.

Thanks to the internet, it is fairly easy to find connections with a similar background as you. Contacting former expats of the country you were staying in will open doors to many events and opportunities. More so, they will understand your situation and share with you their experiences when returning home. 

Find expats from your previous country.

This is a reversed scenario, but now you have the experience of the struggles that an expat can have. Communications with expats from the country you were once expat in will build a bridge of communication between intellectuals from both places. This will benefit you as you can practice your language skills and maybe even find a job in the field, but it will also help them as they will need all the information a local knows.

Contribute to your country.

Apply the lessons learned abroad to create a better, healthier and more functional society in your country. This is a difficult task, but through your work and the influence you do on others, you might find satisfaction in doing something meaningful in the place you grew up. This will not only boost your career but will also bring you the pleasure to know that you have made an impact on the generations to come. 

Returning, whether willingly or not, can be a valuable experience that might allow you to be appreciated home more than anyplace else. With some good preparation, you will be able to see your country with new eyes and enjoy being back.