Family / Dependents Visa 2023


I have just received a job offer for a role in Kuwait and initially I plan to relocate on my own with a view to my Wife and two boys (4 and 2) joining me shortly thereafter. However, I am aware that family visas are on hold and I wondered if anyone had any updates on the issuance of family visas? I would be looking to relocate in March 2024. My Wife would like to work but equally happy to provide childcare or home schooling if she is not permitted to work under my sponsorship.

I look forward to receiving a response to the above.

Hello there,This is the latest news from yesterday. options if the family/depending visa is still suspended, is for your wife and kids to come in using Visit Visa (max stay of 90 days). Before 90 days ended, you can travel abroad over the weekend and come in again using new Visit Visa. But this is depending on their passports nationalities since Kuwait still not issuing visa to certain countries.

Hello Nath, and welcome to Kuwait in advance; what they do not tell you in the news is that the law is not rigid - there are exceptions. Your best bet would be to ask your place of employment that you want to bring your family along, and see what they say.