Tunisian husband wants divorce

I have been married to a tunisian man for 11 years.he in his country and myself in mine of australia..my husband finally got his visa to come here in may 2022..he was with me until one night I found out that for last 4 years he had been seeing a tunisian women..yes he is younger then me and wants to have children with this women...but first he wants me to divorce him..I told him I will never divorse him as to what he has put me through..after finally  been together after years of been apart...I want to know can he sign divorce papers with out my signature and if he was to do that is it illegal...I know he has to be divorced before getting remarried also were can I go to courts in tunisia ....I hope you can give me some advice thanking you kindly janette saoudi...

@narnie2010 sorry to say but that guy he's not a good husband since he decided to leave you and marry for another woman, ***

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No need to be with him

God bless you 🙏 I hope and pray. You make him suffer, like he made you suffer. Be strong 💪

@narnie2010 For my own situation would you please share with me the age difference?

Did he get the permanent visa or temporary visa? I think you should also get the visa cancelled

So sorry to hear that. If he wants a divorce, he has to send you forms to sign (3 attempts) but he will probably use a fake address so you don't get them, then the court will go ahead with the divorce. Sending you love and I feel for you. I've read this so many times that they marry a foreign woman then end up marrying a Tunisian woman once they are ‘settled' very crazy.

I'm pretty sure you can also inform the Department of Home Affairs in Australia and request to get his visa cancelled as it's obvious he had other ideas, especially for 4 years and you now knowing. Good luck, I hope he gets sent back home

@narnie2010 Hi , my Tunisian husband divorced without my signature.i found a gentleman who works for the courts in Tunisia on the internet .he has an official website and he kindly helped me with divorce papers and translation ,all are stamped by court officials

I know all this can be stressful . He sent me both Arabic copy and English translation

@narnie2010 I'm going to Tunisia in a few weeks to Marry my Love and yes he's younger than me too but I recently found multiple Facebook Accounts and Instagram Accounts 🥺 I'm scared he's chatting with other women 😢 What's your Experience dating with a Tunisian Man? I don't know what to do or what to think 🤦🏾‍♀️ I'm also from Australia 🇦🇺 Am I doing the right thing by going to Tunisia to Marry this Man ??

My mom is 75 and went there and married a25 year old boy that she met online. It has cost her a total of about 45,000$ but she has since suffered a stroke here in the US and he will not be coming here to finish robbing her blind. Best of luck and blessings. Don't ignore all of those red flags..

@laurasprout9 will you please direct me to him so I can do the same for my mother?

@laurasprout9 could you possibly let me know how I can contact this man please?

Thank you.


translator and interpreter (solicitor) in Tunisia

@narnie2010 I'm going to Tunisia in a few weeks to Marry my Love and yes he's younger than me too but I recently found multiple Facebook Accounts and Instagram Accounts 🥺 I'm scared he's chatting with other women 😢 What's your Experience dating with a Tunisian Man? I don't know what to do or what to think 🤦🏾‍♀️ I'm also from Australia 🇦🇺 Am I doing the right thing by going to Tunisia to Marry this Man ??

Ye godz, NO

It's obviously a scam job.

He isn't chatting with other women, he's telling them he loves them in the hope they'll send him their cash. He'll carry on if you go, then dump you when he has as much as he can get.

Hello, next wife .. then the next  .. then the next .. then the next.......

Absolutely agree.

I travel frequently Tunisia/Uk and I see many couples crying at departure's (Enfidha,Monastir and Tunis-cartage) only for the Tunisian National to run round to arrivals and meet their next quest  with lavish gifts and a freebie holiday 52 weeks of the year !! It's a full time job sat on the internet fishing, receiving the western union salaries from many men/women young/old with those rose tinted glasses on.

They will give you unconditional love (fake) for money,gifts, and most of all a VISA !!!

All their family will be in on it too (BEZNESS) only in maybe 10 years have saved and conned many victims to marry their Tunisian bride and have lots of babies. The males have to pay for these extortionate Tunisian weddings it's their culture and will do anything to scam.

Tunisia is a beautiful country with some lovely people, but lots of bad ones too.

please be vigilant.

@narnie2010 yes he can divorce you in tunisia without you knowing

@narnie2010 well let you know he can divorce you In a period of 18 months but if you want help you can contact me for it.


Hi lovely,so sorry this is late .contact details for the gentleman who helped me


best of luck to you both

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hello im

going through the same experience as you, please could you let me know the process on what hapoens and the mans email address


Hi please could you give me the mans in the court details, as im going  through the same as you


Please can you give the details of the court man. My husband is trying to get divorced after 13 years of marriage from me in Tunisia behind my back we both currently live in the uk and ive not received any papers yet

@narnie2010 He will eventually get the divorce, there's nothing you can do

@lorrainew2700 I bet you already went there and is in process to bring him to Australia.

With the amount of warnings out there, women still think there's is different that somehow you are special. Sorry you are not, he will rob you blind and then leave you. wish you the best of luck

@tracywheeler123 You don't need a court man, just find the name of the court where your rat lives or lived and write to the judge. Tell him or her what he did and how he ruined your life and that the only way you will consent to the divorce is when he pays you back. Tell the judge your rat husband actually agreed to pay you back (this of course is a lie, but no one knows but you) If the judge is honest, he will drag this divorce until your rat agrees to pay up.

Pay someone with experience to type your letters, keep them to one page. If possible get a translator, there are many online; send the letter in English as Tunisian Arabic.

There's so much women can do to destroy the rat's livelihood and reputation but most women just harbor the pain and hate until it consumes them. Use that energy, you are POWERFUL creatures, if you really wanted to destroy a rat, trust me it is easier than you think. Best of Luck

@Crazeebabey so the woman doesnt need to come to Tunisia if the man wants divorce? And he cant divorce her even without her knowing? Do you know how long it takes to get divorced if the person cooperates and how long it takes if he do it without the person?

@Crazeebabey hi, so he can get givorce without the woman knowing it? how long a divorce like that takes? and do you know how long the divorce take if she cooperates? and she doesnt need to come to tunisia right?