Expat news

Property rental: What should expats expect in 2024?
Property rental: What should expats expect in 2024?
Many countries are currently faced with a property crisis with serious economic and social consequences. With mortgage rates on the rise, more and more households are turning to property rental. There has been a surge in demand, supply is not keeping pace, and prices are soaring. At the same time, governments are relying on immigration to overcome major labor shortages. But how can you move abroad to work when you can't find proper and affordable accommodation? What should expats expect in 2024?
Global elections in 2024: Impact on expatriates and international dynamics
Everyday life
Global elections in 2024: Impact on expatriates and international dynamics
A crucial year for democracy. 2024, an electoral year, promised to be a year of high tension. Elections are scheduled in 77 countries, including the European Union, Taiwan, South Africa, the United States, Indonesia, India, Venezuela, Pakistan, etc. Billions of people are being called to the polls in the context of a continuing economic crisis and the rise of the extreme right. What will global immigration look like in 2024?
UK immigration: What you need to know about recent policy changes
UK immigration: What you need to know about recent policy changes
Will aspiring expatriates need to give up their dreams of living in the United Kingdom? The latest government announcements suggest that new restrictions may be implemented this year.
Over 10 million visas in one year in the United States: Impact on the economy and job market
Over 10 million visas in one year in the United States: Impact on the economy and job market
The world's leading power continues to attract as many people as ever. While the job market is not as intense, labor shortages are still real. The nation heavily depends on immigration, an essential factor for sustaining both economic and demographic growth. What changes have we observed in recent years?
Unveiling 2024's top-paying destinations for expatriates
Unveiling 2024's top-paying destinations for expatriates
Which are the most attractive and favorable countries for expats in 2024? Although salary isn't the only factor determining expatriation decisions, it does play a crucial role, particularly in the face of ongoing inflation that is pushing up the cost of living. What are your options if you intend to grow your career overseas?
Investing wisely in emerging economies: Pros and cons
Investing wisely in emerging economies: Pros and cons
In the world of economic growth, emerging nations are flourishing. Their GDP is on the rise at a faster pace compared to more developed economies, offering an enticing opportunity to attract entrepreneurs and foreign investors. So why should you do business in an emerging country, and what are the risks?
International students facing stricter criteria: Visa fee hikes and financial requirements
Schools & studies
International students facing stricter criteria: Visa fee hikes and financial requirements
The immigration departments of some major study destinations have recently announced that they are raising the criteria that international students must meet. It is often financial criteria that is targeted: higher visa fees, tuition fees and proof of funds for the cost of living. This is a cause for concern for many prospective and current international students in the US, the UK, Australia and Finland.
The latest global immigration news and updates you need to be aware of
The latest global immigration news and updates you need to be aware of
Some countries are making efforts to attract economic immigrants, while others are trying to limit their numbers but still allowing a few select candidates to enter. Here's a world tour of the latest immigration news to help you plan your stay abroad.
Navigating post-Brexit challenges: Solutions for British expatriates in Europe unveiled
Navigating post-Brexit challenges: Solutions for British expatriates in Europe unveiled
Following Brexit, the status of British expats in Europe, as well as European expats in the United Kingdom, is often questioned. Some European Union member states are offering support to counter the effects of Brexit. 
AI's growing role in shaping economic immigration policies
AI's growing role in shaping economic immigration policies
Artificial intelligence is making a remarkable entry within governments. It's impossible to ignore or do without it. Governments are passing laws and trying to regulate it. AI is even used in migration policies and strategies to fight labor shortages. How does this affect immigration in the US and around the world?
Australia's challenge to attract foreign talent amid inflation and housing shortages
Australia's challenge to attract foreign talent amid inflation and housing shortages
Labor shortages are compelling Australia to seek foreign talent, which is considered essential for economic growth. Meanwhile, the housing crisis is increasing against a backdrop of persistently high inflation. Here's an overview of the current situation in Australia and the implications for foreigners.
France is producing more talent but struggling to recruit
France is producing more talent but struggling to recruit
France is perceived as a land of paradoxes. On the one hand, uncertainty and division are prevalent, yet the country also demonstrates significant acts of unity. While it welcomes international talent with open arms, it grapples with internal conflicts regarding immigration reforms. The latest Insead report highlights another paradox: France is acknowledged for its innovations but faces challenges in attracting foreign talent. 
EU initiatives: Attracting non-European workers for economic growth
EU initiatives: Attracting non-European workers for economic growth
The European economy is facing challenges, with recent estimates from Brussels indicating a growth of 0.6%, down from 0.8% a few months ago. The slowdown is attributed to a recession impacting various European nations. Additionally, the European Commission acknowledges the impact of an ongoing labor shortage and is looking to implement new measures to attract workers from outside Europe.
Why increasing numbers of immigrants choose to leave Canada
Everyday life
Why increasing numbers of immigrants choose to leave Canada
Has Canada lost its appeal in the eyes of foreigners? Although the country significantly relies on immigration for its growth, a recent study has sparked concerns as more immigrants choose to leave the country for better prospects. Let's explore the different reasons. 
Europe's water crisis: Unveiling critical issues
Everyday life
Europe's water crisis: Unveiling critical issues
Is tap water becoming a luxury in Europe? Although many Europeans can still easily access water, some have faced water restrictions for years. The water crisis in Europe is becoming more serious. Why is this happening, and how will it affect the daily lives of expatriates? Let's have a look at the current situation.
Global immigration roundup: The latest changes and regulations across key countries
Global immigration roundup: The latest changes and regulations across key countries
What's happening around the world in terms of immigration? Labor shortages persist in many countries; new visa regulations have been introduced, a biometric breakthrough has been announced, changes in immigration laws, etc. Here's what you need to know.
France: New announcements fuel immigration debates
Everyday life
France: New announcements fuel immigration debates
After being shelved for several months, the immigration bill is back in the spotlight in a particularly tense context in France. Emotions are still running high after the attack on a secondary school in Arras. The text, which will be examined by the Senate from November 6, has sparked heated debate. How do expats feel about this?
Conflict zones around the world: What expats should be aware of
Everyday life
Conflict zones around the world: What expats should be aware of
The conflict between Israel and the Islamist group has been ongoing since Hamas' surprise attack. In Mayotte, the population was alarmed by a night of violence. Elsewhere, tensions between Manila and Beijing in the South China Sea have rekindled. In response to the attacks in France and Belgium, Europe calls for vigilance. Let's have a look at what's happening around the world to help you better plan your travels or adjust to the situation in your expat country.

Other Types

Buying property abroad: Explore your options
Buying property abroad: Explore your options
There are lots of reasons why you may be considering purchasing property abroad. First, owning property comes with stability and security, which is something expats often long for after relocation. You will also finally be able to style your home as you like, bringing in the little decor elements that you hold dear. 
50 reasons to pack up and move abroad
Everyday life
50 reasons to pack up and move abroad
Are you thinking about living abroad? Perhaps you've considered it for a long time but haven't dared to take the plunge. It never seems like the right time due to inflation, rising living costs, and the fear of failing. But you could see these challenges as opportunities instead. Here are 50 reasons (and there are many more!) to live your dream of expatriation at least once.
How being an expat affects your gut health and eating habits
Everyday life
How being an expat affects your gut health and eating habits
We rarely consider our gut health and diet when moving abroad. Before leaving, our minds are consumed with travel preparations. The initial phase of expat life often coincides with a honeymoon period. Then comes the necessary adaptation, where daily life takes over. "The Expat Gut Health Survey: How Symptoms Can Impact Life Abroad," a study by Allianz Care, published on May 29, surveyed over 3,000 expats worldwide and unveils the link between gut health and quality of life.  
2024 European elections: Can expatriates vote?
2024 European elections: Can expatriates vote?
One of the most anticipated elections of the year is approaching. Will the European Union (EU) emerge from these elections more divided, or will it strengthen its unity? As we await the final predictions and, more importantly, the first results, let's examine the voting procedures. What conditions must expatriates meet to vote in the European elections? Are European expatriates living within or outside the EU treated the same way?
Where can you breastfeed as an expat mom? Global rights and restrictions
Everyday life
Where can you breastfeed as an expat mom? Global rights and restrictions
When living abroad and planning to have a child, many factors come into play: healthcare, maternity support, parental leave, daycare, and more. This wonderful life event requires good organization, especially when you're an expat. One important aspect to consider (if you choose to) is breastfeeding, particularly in public spaces. While natural, breastfeeding can be controversial, heavily criticized, discouraged, or even banned in some countries.
Emerging work trends around the world: What expats should expect
Emerging work trends around the world: What expats should expect
A new trend among dynamic employees is working while walking, which not only boosts office performance but also enhances overall life productivity. As awareness of the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle grows, new work methods are emerging. It's also a matter of well-being, essential for better work performance. Here's everything you need to know if you're planning a professional adventure abroad.