Expat news

Why some international students in the UK might not be allowed to bring their dependents
Why some international students in the UK might not be allowed to bring their dependents
The UK government has been considering putting various restrictions on international students. Among these is a proposal to prevent some international students, those considered to be doing “low value” degrees, from getting dependent visas for their spouses and children. This proposition has been criticized both within and outside the government for being vague, discriminatory and counterintuitive for the economy.
France records a rise in the number of international students
France records a rise in the number of international students
Campus France reports that the number of international students in the country has increased by 8% over 2021-2022. There are now over 400,000 international students there, the highest number in 15 years. The growth has been driven by big leaps in the number of students from the Americas (+15%) and Europe (+13%). The affordability and quality of education in France could well be among the reasons behind this.
Trailing spouses now allowed to work in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Trailing spouses now allowed to work in Saudi Arabia
Are we witnessing another positive step towards the welcoming of foreign talent in Saudi Arabia? It is now a reality: the spouses of expatriates in Saudi Arabia can now seek employment locally. But this measure is nevertheless subject to conditions. Let's explore the hows and whys.
How will Shanghai's expat exodus affect the local economy?
How will Shanghai's expat exodus affect the local economy?
At the end of March 2022, Shanghai went under a stringent lockdown. Its 25 million citizens were then unaware of what they would endure for more than two months, even when the authorities announced that they had come to terms with the COVID pandemic. It was mostly the morale of the inhabitants that got affected. Among them were expats who were increasingly worried about their future in the cosmopolitan Chinese city. One year later, China is back on the international scene. Tourists are expected to flow in again. But will the expatriates come back to Shanghai? Many observers believe that the wound will be hard to heal.
Tuition fees for international students in Norway: How will this affect universities?
Tuition fees for international students in Norway: How will this affect universities?
In March, the Norwegian parliament approved a policy to introduce tuition fees for international students from outside the European Union and European Economic Area. This will apply from Fall 2023. However, critics from within the higher education sector are protesting that it will damage the reputation of Norwegian universities and Norway's image as an egalitarian society.
China resumes visa issuance: What should expats expect?
China resumes visa issuance: What should expats expect?
Since Wednesday, March 15, China has officially reopened completely to the world. The country has indeed resumed issuing all types of visas, including tourist visas. This is a relief for the people concerned and for all prospective expats to China. It can be considered a strong signal sent by Beijing to the rest of the world, but should we expect a massive comeback of expats in China?
Rising visa fees: How will this affect the United States' attractiveness?
Rising visa fees: How will this affect the United States' attractiveness?
Is the American dream getting more expensive? Well, the country recently announced a rise in fees for a couple of visas. They expect this measure to help them continue providing their services. But how is this rise going to affect immigration to the US and the country's attractiveness?
Immigration reforms to attract foreign talent: The challenge of European countries
Immigration reforms to attract foreign talent: The challenge of European countries
Economies across Europe have been having a hard time due to labor shortages since 2022, and 2023 doesn't look better. Since last year, many of these countries have also embarked on immigration reforms to attract foreign talent. But the battle isn't over yet, as retaining these talents is another challenge. Here's an insight into their strategies.
Vietnam: businesses struggle to fill vacancies amid talent shortages
Vietnam: businesses struggle to fill vacancies amid talent shortages
As Vietnam continues to emerge as a key player in the global economy, the country is facing a significant challenge - a shortage of skilled labor and talent. With a rapidly growing economy and increasing demand for skilled workers across a range of industries, Vietnam is struggling to keep pace with the needs of its businesses. In this article, we will explore the causes of Vietnam's labor and talent shortages, the impact on the economy, and potential solutions for addressing this pressing issue.
Egypt unveils new strategy to attract foreign investors
Egypt unveils new strategy to attract foreign investors
How can a country regain foreign investors' confidence? How can it boost its attractivity in the eyes of foreigners and its own citizens? The Egyptian government believes it has found the right formula. However, due to the successive crises that have hit the country, the Egyptian economy is in a critical situation. The country needs to find funds quickly to stabilize. In response, a new campaign aimed at investors has been designed precisely to replenish the country's treasury while reinforcing the country's image as a reliable economy.
Kuwait opens up residency for long-term expats
Kuwait opens up residency for long-term expats
On Wednesday, March 8, the Kuwait Public Manpower Authority announced that long-term expatriates would be eligible for residency renewal under certain conditions. While Kuwait seems to be relaxing its measures regarding long-term expatriates, this new measure doesn't apply to all expats. Still, it's a significant change for a country that has recently been in the news headlines for its job nationalization policy. 
Why Dubai is opening its government agencies to foreign talent
Why Dubai is opening its government agencies to foreign talent
The United Arab Emirates is still facing significant labor shortages despite its multiple strategies to fill in the gaps. In Dubai, the impacted public sector is opening its doors to international talent. But the Emirate doesn't want to limit itself to simply recruiting foreign workers. Behind this vast recruitment campaign is a broader project to attract more investors and foreign talent.
Russia urgently needs foreign IT professionals amid brain drain
Russia urgently needs foreign IT professionals amid brain drain
On Wednesday, March 15, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs announced a large-scale recruitment campaign for foreign computer scientists and other technology specialists. For successful candidates, there are promises of easier immigration procedures, a stay without a fixed end period, and the possibility of bringing one's whole family. Yet, behind this semblance of openness lies the reality that has caught up with Russia since it declared war on Ukraine. Here's an analysis of the situation.
These are the most attractive OECD countries for expat talent
These are the most attractive OECD countries for expat talent
Choosing your expat country needs proper planning as it's not something that can be improvised. Whether you are going to study, work or start a business abroad, there are many criteria like professional opportunities, living environment, inclusiveness, salary levels, and taxes, amongst others, to consider before taking the leap. The 2023 edition of OECD's Indicators of Talent Attractiveness (ITA) focuses on countries' ability to attract expats. The degree of attractiveness varies according to the expatriate's status and requirements. Here's an insight into the key findings.
United Kingdom: Enter foreign workers, exit international students?
United Kingdom: Enter foreign workers, exit international students?
With the red carpet and plenty of attention deployed, foreign workers are welcome and highly expected in the United Kingdom. The British government is thus responding to the pressing demands of British employers facing an acute labor shortage. That comes as a surprise move as the UK, at the same time, seems to be tightening the rules for international students who want to study in the country. What should we understand of the British strategy?
Why US businesses are increasingly relocating their foreign workers 
Why US businesses are increasingly relocating their foreign workers 
Today, the American dream looks more and more difficult to achieve. Foreign professionals looking to work in the US expose numerous obstacles that even businesses find hard to overcome. To keep their foreign workforce, some of them have opted for relocation, not of their offices but of their international employees. So how does this affect the US workforce?
Canada opens new immigration pathways
Canada opens new immigration pathways
Canada is a dream destination for many prospective expats. Whether you're a worker or a student, the country is full of opportunities for those seeking to live and build a career there. In the face of acute labor shortages, the Canadian government is relentlessly pursuing its ambitious immigration program and plans to welcome some 500,000 new immigrants by 2025.
How the United Arab Emirates became a favorite expat destination
Everyday life
How the United Arab Emirates became a favorite expat destination
The United Arab Emirates looks like they are quickly achieving its goals! In the early months of the Covid pandemic, the country soon became an ideal destination for expatriates. But today, the communication campaign is coupled with long-term and ambitious changes to attract more foreigners. There are the new visas, the extension of the categories of eligible applicants for the Golden Visa, along with the relaxation of some rules regarding the consumption of alcohol, etc. The new measures confirm the trend. 

Other Types

What are the challenges faced by expats of color in Asia?
Everyday life
What are the challenges faced by expats of color in Asia?
Who are “people of color”? What is “Asia”? What are these never-ending gazes? This article aims to explore terms that are controversial and raise questions about our relationships with others and with ourselves as expats.
Embracing culture shock: How it shapes you for the better
Everyday life
Embracing culture shock: How it shapes you for the better
Moving to a new country almost always comes with a set of shocks. You may run into them right away or several months and even years into your stay. Out of all the shocks of an expat journey, culture shock is the most known and talked about. There are lots of resources online that will tell you how to manage culture shock, typically labeling it as something negative and unpleasant. But what if the culture shock you are experiencing is actually making you raise your own standards? It turns out that for some expats, culture shock can be a push.
Emerging destinations and shifting immigration policies in 2024
Emerging destinations and shifting immigration policies in 2024
On one hand, labor shortages continue to hinder economic growth in many countries. On the other hand, immigration policies are increasingly selective, prioritizing the recruitment of skilled and highly skilled foreigners. What impact does this have on moving abroad plans? Is there a decline in immigration rates? Which nationalities are most affected?
EURES at 30: A legacy of labour mobility across Europe
EURES at 30: A legacy of labour mobility across Europe
For 30 years, EURES has been connecting jobseekers and employers across Europe. Launched in 1994, this European network of employment services has played a pivotal role in facilitating the free movement of labour within the EU, overcoming employment barriers, and promoting career opportunities across Europe. Check it out and learn more about what this service is about and how jobseekers and employers can benefit.
How career breaks are winning the job game for international graduates
How career breaks are winning the job game for international graduates
Long considered a significant drawback, gaps in a CV are gradually becoming more accepted in the international job market. Championed by young foreign talents and increasingly accepted by employers, career breaks have become a new trend. Young professionals are taking time off to find a better position, whether locally or abroad. How do international job seekers justify their choices, and how do employers react?
New country, new budget: How to manage your expenses smartly
Cost of living
New country, new budget: How to manage your expenses smartly
As you settle into your new expat life, you begin to find your bearings. Between housing, transportation, food and extras, how do you spend your money? What are your priorities for keeping control of your budget?