Expat news

Health Passports: The next phase of the Covid-19 response
Health Passports: The next phase of the Covid-19 response
With four Covid-19 vaccines available, and the UK having kicked immunisation early in December, the debate is shifting on health passports. For now, most of the conversation is theoretical and based on speculations, but a health passport could be on our doorstep in no time...
What makes New Zealand a great place to live in after the crisis?
Everyday life
What makes New Zealand a great place to live in after the crisis?
From April 2021, international students will be allowed to enter New Zealand. The growing demand led the New Zealand government to set up a pilot project to welcome them in several stages. What makes New Zealand such a great place to move to amidst the pandemic?
America after Trump: The road to healing for nationals and expats
Everyday life
America after Trump: The road to healing for nationals and expats
On the 20th of January this year, the United States of America will have a new President. It is no secret that Donald Trump, the soon-to-be ex-President of the US has not been very pro-immigration. His policies, whether immigration related or not, has caused a decline in the US' appeal as an expat destination. How will this change under Joe Biden's presidency?
Could Brexit be a blessing for non-Europeans?
Everyday life
Could Brexit be a blessing for non-Europeans?
You might be surprised by the following figures. As of March 2020, 316,000 more non-European citizens arrived in the UK than those who departed. The number of arrivals from European Union countries dropped from 200,000 in 2016 to around 58,000 in 2020. So it's clear that the UK currently looks less attractive to European citizens. But what does this mean for non-Europeans looking to relocate to the UK?
COVID-19: Here is all you need to know about vaccination campaigns
Health system
COVID-19: Here is all you need to know about vaccination campaigns
With more than 90.8 million positive cases globally and 1.94 million deaths since early 2020, but especially with the new strain of the virus vaccination is an urgent issue, even though many countries are struggling to start their vaccination campaigns. Here's an update on what's happening around the world and what vaccines are on offer.
Which countries currently have their borders open?
Which countries currently have their borders open?
Many countries around the world seem to have come to a standstill with a new surge of COVID-19 during the past few weeks, and a new variant. While some of them prefer to keep their borders closed, others have reopened under certain conditions. Here's an update for those who are looking to relocate overseas during this period.
How to prepare your move back home
How to prepare your move back home
Whether it's the pandemic, homesickness or something else, there are as many reasons to abandon the expat lifestyle as there are expats. If a return to your “home country” is unexpected, a little pre-preparation can help make the transition easier.
New Year and Brexit: Which changes are effective immediately
New Year and Brexit: Which changes are effective immediately
With the start of the new year, significant changes as a result of Brexit kicked in. Theoretically, the UK left the EU and its institutions on February 1, 2020. Now, the 11-month transition and negotiation period has ended, and the deal between the UK and the EU has come into effect. New agreements and regulations, which span across work life, travel, education, healthcare, tax, and communications, define the UK's relationship with the EU and vice versa. This article presents the key points of the Brexit deal which are likely to affect British expats and expats-to-be in the EU and EU nationals who are planning to move to the UK or are already there. 
Where should you move in 2021 amidst the crisis?
Where should you move in 2021 amidst the crisis?
You're perhaps waiting for the pandemic to come to an end before moving abroad, but no one can tell how long it's going to take. Moreover, with current travel restrictions and border closures, and some countries being locked down once again following a new surge, especially in Europe and Asia, choosing your next destination can be a difficult task. Still, this hard turned out to be a blessing for some countries that are trying to boost their economy by attracting foreign nationals.
Key things to consider before moving abroad in 2021
Key things to consider before moving abroad in 2021
Many of you are perhaps waiting for borders to reopen and for activities to resume so that you can finally move abroad, regardless of your motivations. Whether you dream of working, studying or retiring overseas amidst the crisis, there are many points to consider. So here's your 2021 moving abroad checklist to help you get started.
From our family to yours: Expat.com Team wishes for 2021
From our family to yours: Expat.com Team wishes for 2021
The least one can say is that 2020 has not been the easiest of years! But as we step into a new year, we all bear the hope that it will be a better one. Here is what the Expat.com team wishes for you for 2021.
15 year anniversary throwback: What have our expat interviewees become?
15 year anniversary throwback: What have our expat interviewees become?
To celebrate Expat.com's 15 years of existence is to celebrate all the expats who make us who we are. Over the course of December, we shared with you a selection of interviews we had previously carried out. We got in touch with these expats to check up on them and to get a first-hand account of where they have been since they were interviewed.
Where are people enjoying 'normal' end-of-year holidays?
Everyday life
Where are people enjoying 'normal' end-of-year holidays?
Several European countries have locked down and tightened their health restrictions in recent weeks due to a new surge of coronavirus. Celebrations and public events were, therefore, cancelled as gatherings are limited to a certain number. Still, other countries are preparing to welcome the New Year in a more relaxed atmosphere, with social distancing and the wearing of masks as the new normal.
Popular online events to look out for Christmas and New Year's Eve
Everyday life
Popular online events to look out for Christmas and New Year's Eve
This year, Christmas and New Year's Eve will be like no other, with popular events like Christmas markets, concerts and shows being cancelled. Still, you can choose from a wide range of free and paid online activities to keep yourself busy even though you're locked down and away from your loved ones. Here are some tips.
Ten end of year traditions that look weird to expats
Everyday life
Ten end of year traditions that look weird to expats
For most of us, Christmas is all about having a beautifully decorated Christmas tree under which we gather to get our Christmas gifts. It's also the time for family celebrations over a grand dinner. However, your host country may have some unusual Christmas traditions that can surprise you.
What are expats doing for the New Year's Eve?
Everyday life
What are expats doing for the New Year's Eve?
This year, New Year's Eve will be different for most of us, regardless of the country where we live. With lockdown and health restrictions, including travel bans and limits on social gatherings, many will welcome the New Year alone at home or in small groups. Expats tell us how they are planning to celebrate New Year's Eve away from their loved ones.
New Year's Eve: How to keep your traditions as an expat amidst the crisis
Everyday life
New Year's Eve: How to keep your traditions as an expat amidst the crisis
It can be hard for expats to observe their culture and traditions during this festive season. Amid lockdowns and health restrictions, many of you haven't been able to travel back home and spend the holidays with your families. So if you're having the blues of your home country, here are some tips for keeping your traditions and culture alive, though virtual.
Expats talk about their return home during the pandemic
Expats talk about their return home during the pandemic
It's been nearly a year since the COVID-19 crisis tore thousands of families apart. While many expats chose to stay in their host country, and others were stranded abroad due to travel restrictions, some chose to reunite with their family in their home country. They talk to Expat.com about how hard it was in the beginning and where they stand today.

Other Types

How to know when it's time to move abroad
Everyday life
How to know when it's time to move abroad
International relocation is far from the idealized image often portrayed. This image usually glosses over travel difficulties and ignores the circumstances that push people to leave their country. When you no longer feel comfortable at home, leaving may seem the only option. This is the choice of many expatriates seeking an ordinary life they couldn't achieve in their home country.
Top 5 best movies to watch on TV5MONDEplus
Top 5 best movies to watch on TV5MONDEplus
Looking for new movies to enjoy this summer? Well, look no further. Discover (or rediscover) the best of French-speaking cinema on TV5MONDEplus with subtitles available in six languages, including English, of course! Whether you're into original comedies, touching dramas or auteur films, TV5Mondeplus has handpicked for you the top 5 movies praised by critics, all available for you to watch.
What are the challenges faced by expats of color in Asia?
Everyday life
What are the challenges faced by expats of color in Asia?
Who are “people of color”? What is “Asia”? What are these never-ending gazes? This article aims to explore terms that are controversial and raise questions about our relationships with others and with ourselves as expats.
Embracing culture shock: How it shapes you for the better
Everyday life
Embracing culture shock: How it shapes you for the better
Moving to a new country almost always comes with a set of shocks. You may run into them right away or several months and even years into your stay. Out of all the shocks of an expat journey, culture shock is the most known and talked about. There are lots of resources online that will tell you how to manage culture shock, typically labeling it as something negative and unpleasant. But what if the culture shock you are experiencing is actually making you raise your own standards? It turns out that for some expats, culture shock can be a push.
Emerging destinations and shifting immigration policies in 2024
Emerging destinations and shifting immigration policies in 2024
On one hand, labor shortages continue to hinder economic growth in many countries. On the other hand, immigration policies are increasingly selective, prioritizing the recruitment of skilled and highly skilled foreigners. What impact does this have on moving abroad plans? Is there a decline in immigration rates? Which nationalities are most affected?
EURES at 30: A legacy of labour mobility across Europe
EURES at 30: A legacy of labour mobility across Europe
For 30 years, EURES has been connecting jobseekers and employers across Europe. Launched in 1994, this European network of employment services has played a pivotal role in facilitating the free movement of labour within the EU, overcoming employment barriers, and promoting career opportunities across Europe. Check it out and learn more about what this service is about and how jobseekers and employers can benefit.