Formalities - Expat Magazine

How to make your internship abroad a success
How to make your internship abroad a success
Doing an internship abroad is often associated with some kind of stress regarding everything that's new, especially when you're moving for the first time in your life. However, adequate planning can turn this professional experience into one of the most amazing adventures of your life. To guide you, here are some tips for making your internship abroad a success.
The most compelling reasons you should move to Germany now
The most compelling reasons you should move to Germany now
Are you trying to decide on your next expat destination as a digital nomad? Or have you just been offered a job in Germany, and you wish to know more about your future host country? Germany is split into 16 federal states, each of which has its policies and laws regarding education and culture. Europe's largest economy is a major exporter of heavy equipment, vehicles, and chemicals, and has a highly-skilled labour force. Despite the low fertility rates and increase in immigration, Germany can still afford a generous social welfare. shares the top reasons you should move to the country of Goethe, Bach, and Beethoven.
The active lifestyle of an expat family in Finland
The active lifestyle of an expat family in Finland
Paola, a wife and mother of two, lives and works in the tech sector in the capital area of Finland. Besides her full-time job, which she loves, Paola is a dedicated blogger. Today, she talks to about her expat life as an Italian in the Nordic world, and her appreciation about Finland's natural beauty, as well as the country's socioeconomic security — aspects which nurture a happy family life.
What are UK's perceptions of immigration?
What are UK's perceptions of immigration?
The annual Aurora Humanitarian Index is based on the survey of about 11,000 people in 12 countries (France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, Argentina, Japan, Kenya, etc.), and their perceptions of global humanitarian issues such as immigration. From those surveyed, 1,053 are British, whose answers show an increasing sympathy towards refugees and immigrants, as well as apparent disagreement with their government regarding the lack of support and legalisation of immigrants.
Designing a pretty life: From Guatemala to Finland
Designing a pretty life: From Guatemala to Finland
Omar is from Guatemala and arrived in Finland eleven years ago as the singer in a heavy metal band. Ever since, many things have changed — the group split up, Omar obtained the Finnish nationality, and he has created a loving family. Follow us on this exciting journey of a designer, musician, and avid traveller from Guatemala to Finland. 
Where are you in the nationality lottery?
Where are you in the nationality lottery?
We don't choose our place of birth, and our nationality shouldn't be linked to our achievements, growth, and personal value. However, the Quality of Nationality Index by Henley & Partners has set some objective criteria to compare nationalities and measure their local and global performance.  Find out to what extent your nationality allows you to develop your talents inside and outside of your country.
April's expat blog: Adventures With Pete
New Zealand
April's expat blog: Adventures With Pete
We are happy to announce our April's Blog of The Month, Adventures With Pete by Eve Brickner, a twenty-something American expat in New Zealand. In 2013, Eve met her fiancé, and ever since they have been together on a journey of adventures. However, the biggest of all is living in New Zealand, and Eve blogs about the ups and downs, and the lessons learned throughout.
New Orleans: Where a French expat finds enthusiasm for life
New Orleans: Where a French expat finds enthusiasm for life
Céline, a French expat in New Orleans, Louisiana, has a rewarding job and leads a full life in this historic city of jazz music and swing. She loves cycling to work, seafood gumbo, and the friendliness of the people. Follow her unique expat story in New Orleans as we unfold it, and learn more about this expat destination from someone who found home away from home in it.
Adventures of an American in Bogotá
Adventures of an American in Bogotá
Sarah is originally from Maine but spent five years in New York City, where she met her Colombian husband. They decided to move together to Bogotá pending his green card approval. Fascinated by the Colombian culture, especially the music and dance as well as the hiking opportunities, Sarah talks to about her everyday life enjoying a pleasant family-oriented lifestyle and unique cuisine.
10 most gay-friendly countries
10 most gay-friendly countries
Moving abroad can be a complicated decision to take for LGBT expats. Some countries – especially those in Europe and North America – may be more welcoming and tolerant than others regarding LGBT rights. To help you choose your next destination, gives you an insight into some of the world's most gay-friendly countries.
A step away from Hollywood: Film student in Los Angeles
A step away from Hollywood: Film student in Los Angeles
Lisa originally comes from Charente Maritime, France. In her quest for new horizons, she moved to New Zealand where she spent six months before moving back to France. A few months later, she decided to move to the USA for her studies and better career prospects. Passionate about cinematography, she is now living her dream in Los Angeles and shares her enthusiasm with
A specialist's insight into emerging markets
A specialist's insight into emerging markets
Emerging markets represent a real potential for entrepreneurs and investors wishing to expand their activities abroad. However, venturing into an emerging market can be as risky as it is advantageous. Ian Herbison, CEO of Speyside, a consultant and emerging market specialist, talks to about the strengths and weaknesses of key emerging markets.
How to be a successful leader in an emerging market
How to be a successful leader in an emerging market
Business leaders are looking to emerging markets as the next frontier, with a wealth of potential and opportunity to take their business to the next level. However, to do so is no easy feat, and requires leaders to be, at their heart, highly adaptable. There will be new challenges that haven't been encountered before, with solutions that are likely different to those that have been previously applied to the more developed territories.
How to ensure a successful move abroad
How to ensure a successful move abroad
The idea of starting over can be daunting, and the idea of starting over in an entirely different country even more so. However, having the right attitude and approach to moving can make all the difference – particularly when challenges present themselves. No matter what your reason for moving, adopting the right attitude can make all the difference on your success as an expat.
A truly European citizen in France
A truly European citizen in France
Having spent a number of years in the Netherlands and Belgium, Brit Nicholas Parrott decided to continue his European adventure in Hendaye, France, where he has been living since June 2016. He shares with just what it is that makes Hendaye such a unique an appealing town.
Smoking bans around the world
Smoking bans around the world
Since the early 2000's there has been an international move towards eradicating smoking, and this has come in the form of different types of bans and regulations surrounding the sale and packaging of cigarettes. On World No Tobacco day, we look at some of the different laws around the world that aim to help prevent the damage caused by smoking.
Staying close to home: From Russia to Finland
Staying close to home: From Russia to Finland
You don't have to go too far from home to experience a new culture and lifestyle... sometimes your new home can be just a three-and-a-half-hour train ride away. Alexander decided to move to Finland after frequent visits for weekends away. He got the opportunity to further his career, and made the leap. Here, he talks with about life in Finland and just what it takes to make a new start abroad.
Getting your residency through property investment
Getting your residency through property investment
Obtaining residency as an expat can sometimes be an arduous and time-consuming process. Often countries require long periods of residence, along with a range of other criteria that must be met before you can acquire a residency permit, even if you're ready to call your new country home. However, if you have a few $100,000 burning a hole in your pocket, or you are looking to invest in your latest destination anyway, you may want to consider the countries which allow foreign investment in property in addition to offering residency above a certain level of investment.