Formalities - Expat Magazine

US Election 2020: How to vote from abroad
US Election 2020: How to vote from abroad
As an American expat abroad, you're probably wondering whether you can vote during the forthcoming US election. Jerry Nelson, an American blogger who lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, gives out some tips to help you exercise your right to vote from overseas.
The new UK immigration policy
The new UK immigration policy
If you've been following the news, then chances are, you already know that after a long three years, the UK has finally decided to move forward with its divorce from the European Union. One of the main issues politicians promised to tackle with Brexit was immigration. Fearing the loss of jobs for native UK citizens, the government's introduced a new points-based immigration system that'll go into effect on the 1st of January 2021. Thinking of immigrating to the UK after that date? Then here's what you need to know.
The importance of diplomatic representation in your host country
The importance of diplomatic representation in your host country
Settling down in a new country is no easy feat. Getting your head round all the new laws surrounding residency and your rights as a resident but also, if you want to, staying in touch with your home country's political and economic life is a lot to take in. Usually, embassies and consulates are present to help you settle in. But what exactly are their use to an expatriate? And more importantly, can one settle in a country where there is no diplomatic representation?
Brexit: What does it mean for EU and British expats?
Brexit: What does it mean for EU and British expats?
At midnight on the 31st of January, the United Kingdom officially left the European Union after a three-year tug-of-war within the British parliament itself. So, now that it is done, what does it mean for British expats living in the EU and EU expats living in the United Kingdom?
Expatriate choices: The case for dual nationality
Expatriate choices: The case for dual nationality
In India, the principle of citizenship has been largely discussed in the media and on the political sphere in the last few weeks. We seize the opportunity to talk about dual citizenship. An opportunity which often arises for expatriates. What is it? And what the pros and cons?
Ethiopia: What does it have to offer?
Ethiopia: What does it have to offer?
Last week, Ethiopia made history with Prime Minister, Dr. Abiy Ahmed, winning the Nobel peace prize for establishing a peace agreement with neighbouring Eritrea, challenging media censorship, fighting corruption, and increasing women's social and political presence, among others. But what is it like to be an expat in Ethiopia? dives into Ethiopia's profile as an expat destination and speaks with a long-term expat in Addis Ababa for a first-hand insight of what expat life in Ethiopia is actually like.
Towards a smart expat retirement plan
Towards a smart expat retirement plan
Whereas a retirement plan should be a concern for every adult who wishes to spend their golden years in relative comfort, expats have a lot more to organise when it comes to their pension. Precisely, if you have been living and working abroad for many years, you cannot rely on what your home country's national pension scheme has to offer. To make things clearer and your expat life easier, we have put together some insightful information about retirement planning when working outside your home country.
What's the deal with Brexit?
What's the deal with Brexit?
Parliament has been suspended by Boris Johnson and whether Brexit is a deal or no deal remains to be seen. Keep an eye on the news to find out more about recent developments and what they could mean for the future of UK and EU relations. 
Brexit: Boris Johnson unveils plans to ease entry for scientists
Brexit: Boris Johnson unveils plans to ease entry for scientists
The aim is to ensure continued top level research and innovation in the UK after a no-deal Brexit. Indeed, Britain's new Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has announced plans to make it easier for scientists to seek residence visas in the UK after Brexit which is scheduled in October this year.
Break-ups and divorce abroad: Prevention is better cure
Break-ups and divorce abroad: Prevention is better cure
There are a lot of things one anticipates when moving abroad. Health problems, money issues, maybe even loss of a job. It is harder and less common, though, to anticipate break-ups and divorce. And divorce as expats definitely is no easy feat...
What is a Working Holiday Visa and am I eligible?
What is a Working Holiday Visa and am I eligible?
Want some good news? Australia, which has a working holiday visa agreements with a plethora of countries, has just rolled back the age limit for applying for working holiday visas to 35 years. Indeed, most countries offering WHVs target young people aged 18 to 30 years old. This means that more people can benefit from this avenue of expatriation. But what even is a WHV?
What is the tax situation like for working expats?
What is the tax situation like for working expats?
A recently proposed change to the capital gains tax for Australians residing abroad has caused quite a bit of a stir in the the proposed law could have imposed heavy tax bills on thousands of Australians living outside their home country and was retrospective (which meant it would affect those having property in the country as far back as 1985).  While the new law has lapsed and may not be implemented at all — it does raise an often confusing and complicated question: how, where and how much tax should an expat be paying?
Visas: The unusual conditions
Visas: The unusual conditions
The unusual regulation regarding American visas is about to become a reality. Indeed, it seems that in the very near future, candidates for working visas in the United States (with the exception of diplomatic visas) will have to disclose the details of their Facebook profile and their social media networks as an integral part of their application. This measure, although it is not in force anywhere else yet, reminds us that obtaining a work or residence visa is not always an easy feat...
Will expats vote in the EU elections?
Will expats vote in the EU elections?
The European Union (EU) elections begin this Thursday 23rd of May. Does the European expatriate community feel concerned about these elections? Are they going to vote? We asked a couple of them living within or outside of the European Union.
New visa strategy: Is Shanghai the next trendy start-up hub?
New visa strategy: Is Shanghai the next trendy start-up hub?
Shanghai's new visa strategy for entrepreneurs could be a real game-changer. In this article, explores what could make the city a dynamic, innovative start-up hub.
Saudi Arabia: A green-card for expats
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia: A green-card for expats
$200,000. This is what it will cost you to move to Saudi Arabia without a sponsor. Indeed, the Cabinet of Ministers has approved this measure last Tuesday 14th of May 2019. This measure should help attract wealthy and high-skilled expats according to the Saudi Gazette.
Germany's new immigration law: what is it and what does it mean for non-EU expats?
Germany's new immigration law: what is it and what does it mean for non-EU expats?
If you are a skilled worker residing outside the EU, you will now have it easier to move to Germany and work there. A new agreement on the immigration issue achieved last week aims to attract more professional workforce into the country. What are the specifics of the new law and how does it affect your chances of being employed in Germany?
Oman: The visa ban further extended for these professions
Oman: The visa ban further extended for these professions
The expat visa ban was first announced in January 2018 with the aim to reduce local unemployment. Since then, it has been renewed once and extended to several other professions. It is being renewed for another six months.