Formalities - Expat Magazine

How do expats vote from abroad?
How do expats vote from abroad?
Living abroad does not necessarily mean that one is no longer attached to their home country; quite the contrary. For instance, the Dutch living outside the Netherlands just voted for their first electoral college. Many expatriates worldwide are more than willing to voice out their choices, and governments are themselves well aware of the weight of their overseas constituencies in various elections. But how do expatriates vote from abroad? Electronic voting remains a crucial issue.
These countries still require Covid vaccination for expats and travelers
These countries still require Covid vaccination for expats and travelers
By late 2022, most countries have already eased all Covid-related travel restrictions. However, a few countries, for instance, the US, the UAE and Indonesia, still require vaccination. Japan even requires a booster shot to consider a foreign national fully vaccinated. Some countries also accept a negative PCR test or a quarantine period as an equivalent to vaccination.
Things expats should not forget when getting married abroad
Things expats should not forget when getting married abroad
Have you decided to take the leap of faith and are getting married? Congratulations! Of course, a wedding is always a wonderful life event, but as far as the planning is concerned, especially when you are an expatriate, it doesn't always go as smoothly as one may want. Depending on the country where you are currently living, you might encounter more or less daunting challenges and unforeseen obstacles along the way. But don't panic! Proper planning will avoid disappointments.
Which countries are the worst for expats in terms of bureaucracy?
Which countries are the worst for expats in terms of bureaucracy?
This is, by no means, a ranking list! One will always find both good and not-so-good elements in any comparison exercise. Nevertheless, it must be said that some countries are especially known to have a cumbersome bureaucratic system. This can be experienced in all aspects of daily life, affecting locals and expatriates. Here is an overview of the countries known by expats for their lack of bureaucratic efficiency.
What are the challenges faced by Britons returning to the UK?
What are the challenges faced by Britons returning to the UK?
The Financial Times (FT) recently published a list of issues British expats have to consider before moving back to the UK. If expats are uninformed and unprepared, they risk facing “astronomical” visas, shipping, tax and housing costs in the process of returning home. By choosing the right time to move back, becoming tax-compliant and dealing with their overseas assets and benefits in an informed way, they can make their transition back home smoother and more affordable. 
What are your options if you're the holder of a weak passport who wants to move abroad?
What are your options if you're the holder of a weak passport who wants to move abroad?
After the border reopening of most countries, many people are resuming their moving abroad plans. The passport is one of the most crucial formalities. Administrative offices have been taken by storm in the past few months by future travelers who want to renew their passports or make new ones. What rights are attached to a passport? Which are the world's most powerful passports? And what if you have a weak passport?
UK driver's licences no longer valid in the EU: What does this mean for British expats?
UK driver's licences no longer valid in the EU: What does this mean for British expats?
Since May 1, British expats living in Spain for more than six months are facing chaos due to the invalidity of the UK driving licenses in the country after negotiations failed to reach a post-Brexit agreement. 
Immigration agencies: how to avoid scams? 
Immigration agencies: how to avoid scams? 
Expats' profiles can vary -- there are the ones who do know and love to organize their moving abroad paperwork alone, and there are the expats who have never been through this process and need assistance for immigration. Although it might seem a perfect idea to have a hand, immigration agencies or agents can deceive expatriates and ruin their dream of moving abroad. 
Italy makes the green pass compulsory at the workplace
Italy makes the green pass compulsory at the workplace
From October 15, 2021, the health pass, also known as the “Green Pass”, will be mandatory for all employees in Italy. This new measure has been unanimously approved by the Council of Ministers. Italy is thus paving the way for the rest of Europe. It is indeed the first European country to make the Green Pass compulsory for all public and private workplaces.
Canada reopens: What does it mean for expats?
Canada reopens: What does it mean for expats?
All immigration candidates had been waiting for this, Canada's borders have reopened, although still only under strict conditions. Only fully vaccinated foreign nationals can now come to Canada for non-essential reasons like tourism and flights from India and Morocco are still banned and anyone who has not yet received the vaccine needs to provide justification for wanting to enter the territory.
Expats in the UAE can now become citizens
Expats in the UAE can now become citizens
There is good news for investors, doctors, engineers, specialists, inventors, scientists and other highly qualified expatriates who currently live and work in the United Arab Emirates. The government recently announced its decision to grant citizenship to these profiles. What does that imply for long-term expats?
Is it easy for expats to gain a second citizenship?
Is it easy for expats to gain a second citizenship?
There are almost as many reasons to move overseas as there are people willing to become an expat. People often become expats because of two unique, but complementary goals: attainment of second residences and second citizenships and the benefits second citizenships can give.
A guide to international travel amid the pandemic
A guide to international travel amid the pandemic
Travel and population exchange has proved to be one of the pandemic's closest friends. Hence, since the outbreak, limiting international and local travel has been a top priority among governments worldwide. Expats and expats-to-be have seen their plans changing quickly; many have lost international job placements, and others have waited for months to reunite with their families or return to their home country.
Countries where COVID-19 testing is mandatory for travellers
Countries where COVID-19 testing is mandatory for travellers
As countries around the world face a new surge of COVID-19, many of them have tightened their travel restrictions in recent weeks, making a negative PCR test mandatory fr all travellers. Here's a roundup of countries where you need to get tested before or after your arrival.
Health Passports: The next phase of the Covid-19 response
Health Passports: The next phase of the Covid-19 response
With four Covid-19 vaccines available, and the UK having kicked immunisation early in December, the debate is shifting on health passports. For now, most of the conversation is theoretical and based on speculations, but a health passport could be on our doorstep in no time...
New Year and Brexit: Which changes are effective immediately
New Year and Brexit: Which changes are effective immediately
With the start of the new year, significant changes as a result of Brexit kicked in. Theoretically, the UK left the EU and its institutions on February 1, 2020. Now, the 11-month transition and negotiation period has ended, and the deal between the UK and the EU has come into effect. New agreements and regulations, which span across work life, travel, education, healthcare, tax, and communications, define the UK's relationship with the EU and vice versa. This article presents the key points of the Brexit deal which are likely to affect British expats and expats-to-be in the EU and EU nationals who are planning to move to the UK or are already there. 
Moving abroad with small kids: Five self-care tips for parents
Moving abroad with small kids: Five self-care tips for parents
Are you moving abroad with small children and wonder what in the world you were thinking? When you land you will immediately begin dealing with consumer concerns, and then the unpacking and organizing. You are doing all of this while taking care of young people who depend on you for nearly everything. Moving within your own country is a challenge, but moving to a foreign country brings about a significant change that can sometimes seem insurmountable. What can you do to preserve your own health and sanity? Stay calm, Mom or Dad, we have tips for you.
How to get a second passport without buying it
How to get a second passport without buying it
You might be looking for a more powerful passport to be able to travel more easily or it might just be that the pandemic has prompted you to consider a secondary residence. While many countries offer citizenship by investment, it's still possible to get a secondary passport for free. Here are some tips for getting a second passport from Jerry Nelson, a US expat blogger in Argentina.