Health - Expat Magazine

The best places to work if you're an expat nurse
The best places to work if you're an expat nurse
If you're considering a career in nursing or are currently working as a registered nurse and beginning to look for opportunities overseas, the big question is, where should you start looking? While careers in corporate or creative sectors may not require any additional qualifications, certain jobs in medicine, for example, require local licenses and registration. Add that to global differences in salary, and finding a destination that suits your personal and professional needs can become a difficult feat! Here are some of the best destinations for nurses or would-be nurses looking to move abroad.
Quality of living: The world's top cities to live well
Quality of living: The world's top cities to live well
No, we can't have it all. Unless we are Vienna — a popular expat destination that stands out as the best city in the world for quality of life according to Mercer's newly released ranking for quality of living.
8 great places in the world to retire
8 great places in the world to retire
Retiring abroad has become a trend, and it's not likely to go out of style anytime soon. Living costs, climate, quality of life, safety, accessible health care, and the need for adventure are only some of the reasons to retire abroad. brings the best places to move and retire in 2017.
An expat in Italy: From the sunshine state to the land of romance
An expat in Italy: From the sunshine state to the land of romance
Jessica comes from Florida. Following her studies, her Italian boyfriend proposed to her, and they got married in Italy. She has been living in Puglia for over five years, and is the happy mum of a little boy. She shares with her exciting life as a navy wife and entrepreneur in one of Italy's best locations for a life close to the sea.
Where are the world's best healthcare systems
Where are the world's best healthcare systems
Are you moving abroad? You have probably already considered the career opportunities, the housing, quality of life, and cost of living. But what about the cost and quality of healthcare? To help you make the best decision for you and your family, and to give you a heads-up on what to expect in your destination, offers an insight into the countries with the best healthcare systems in the world.
International schools: Budget and choose wisely
International schools: Budget and choose wisely
Most popular destinations for expats have seen a growing inflation of international schooling prices. Some expat destinations can offer alternatives through local curriculums but some not. With no access to the local education system for some or the need to maintain their native language and curriculum for others, putting your children in international schools can be financially challenging.
European Union: Where are the British nationals?
European Union: Where are the British nationals?
While Brexit negotiations have already started, thousands of Britons living in the European Union worry about their future – especially about losing their rights regarding access to work, health care, and education. According to the latest figures presented by the Office for National Statistics on January, nearly 900,000 Britons are living with uncertainty and might have to consider a backup plan.
New year new laws for expats in the Middle East
New year new laws for expats in the Middle East
As the new year starts, Middle East countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Bahrain have already announced a few measures that are likely to have an impact on the lives of expatriates – rising taxes, decreasing subsidies, new fees, among others. gives you an insight into these measures if you are planning to move or you have already settled there.
Attention Expats: What 2017 brings for France
Attention Expats: What 2017 brings for France
January is the month to make our resolutions, and hopefully stick to them – just like France did with its. The French Government has voted reforms that come into force immediately, and won't only impact the lives of French citizens, but also of expats in France. And if you are considering France as a future destination for your expat life, these changes may assist your decision. Here is an overview of what to expect in France in the new year.
From the US to the UK: A retired American and writer in Cornwall
From the US to the UK: A retired American and writer in Cornwall
Born in New York, Ellen lived for a long time in Minnesota. A retired editor and teacher, has been driven by her passion for writing since she moved to Cornwall. Discover with the everyday life of a novelist in the UK.
Moving abroad with your pet: Tips for a smooth expatriation
Moving abroad with your pet: Tips for a smooth expatriation
Are you planning to make the big move abroad? There's a lot to think about, and plenty of organisation to do before you bid farewell to your friends and family, and salute the new opportunities and adventures ahead. But, wait a minute — what about your four-legged furry friend? Expatriation is as stressful for pets, as it's for us. With this in mind, brings you some tips on how to make the moving an as smooth as possible process for your pet.
Working Holiday Visa: All you need to know before applying
Working Holiday Visa: All you need to know before applying
If you have been dreaming about moving abroad to discover new cultures with the possibility of working, the Working Holiday Visa (WHV) could be meant for you. Discover the benefits of the WHV with if you are aged 18 to 31.
Weather conditions: How to master the weather when living abroad
Weather conditions: How to master the weather when living abroad
Don't fall for statements that declare the weather as the imperator of our mood — a look at the 2016 World Happiness Report shows that the seven happiest countries in the world are countries with generous wintry weather (Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Canada, Netherlands). Yet, we all have preferences, and weather can brighten you up, or put your mood on ice. So, if you are planning to expatriate soon, or are already living abroad, is here to shelter you from the strong winds, or the blazing sun.
Frances in Nairobi:
Frances in Nairobi: "It's an extremely exciting place to live at the moment with a tech boom"
With her husband in love with East Africa, Frances decided to leave England for Tanzania. Now, she is living in Nairobi, Kenya's capital city. She gives us her feelings about how's expat life is in this beautiful country.
Jane in Yangon:
Jane in Yangon: "If you love to travel to see nature, travel everywhere in Myanmar!"
Indonesian and married to a Burmese man met in U.S, Jane decided to live in Myanmar with him. From the economical capital, she gives us her vision of this multicultural country and unfortunately too much unknown.
Rebecca in Fiji:
Rebecca in Fiji: "We fell in love with the place, the people and the rural atmosphere"
Rebecca discovered Fiji Islands during her honeymoon and fell literally in love with this paradise on earth. Since 20 years, she lives there, on Taveuni, the third largest island over the 300 that compose the country. She gives us her expat testimony through this interview.
Health insurance: rising costs abroad for British expats
Health insurance: rising costs abroad for British expats
Falling ill abroad can be quite expensive, even if you have a health insurance. Find out what the Association of British Insurers (ABI) thinks about it.