Health - Expat Magazine

Survey: Estimated 51 % of American expats were vaccinated against the COVID-19
Survey: Estimated 51 % of American expats were vaccinated against the COVID-19
The survey carried out during the month of June called on more than 3000 expats from everywhere around the world. Of the American expats who participated, 51% had already been vaccinated and 32% intended to get vaccinated in the future.
Survey: Estimated 63% of British expats vaccinated against COVID-19
Survey: Estimated 63% of British expats vaccinated against COVID-19
The survey was carried out in June this year and revealed that an estimated 62.9% of British expats have indeed received the COVID-19 vaccine. Most of them had received either the Oxford-AstraZeneca or the Pfizer-BioNTech shot.
COVID-19 vaccination: These countries are catering for expats
COVID-19 vaccination: These countries are catering for expats
In many countries, mass vaccination has already started. While many still have negative thoughts, others are left in limbo. Expats who are not eligible for vaccination in their host country might have to go back home. This is what we know up to now.
COVID-19 vaccination: how it works for expatriates
COVID-19 vaccination: how it works for expatriates
The COVID-19 vaccination campaign is progressing in many countries, mainly in Europe and the United States. However, there's one question that still needs to be addressed. Are expats entitled to vaccines in their host country and under what conditions?
COVID-19: Here is all you need to know about vaccination campaigns
COVID-19: Here is all you need to know about vaccination campaigns
With more than 90.8 million positive cases globally and 1.94 million deaths since early 2020, but especially with the new strain of the virus vaccination is an urgent issue, even though many countries are struggling to start their vaccination campaigns. Here's an update on what's happening around the world and what vaccines are on offer.
Medical cannabis around the world
Medical cannabis around the world
Last week, the United Nations Commission voted to classify cannabis as a less dangerous drug. Of the 53 member states of this committee, 27 voted for while 25 others are against. However, the legalisation of medical cannabis has been debated in many countries for several years. So how have countries been dealing with this issue until now?
Psychologist’s tips: How to deal with end of year celebrations amidst a pandemic
Psychologist’s tips: How to deal with end of year celebrations amidst a pandemic
With current travel restrictions and many countries locked down a second time, many expats will have to spend the end of year alone, far from their loved ones. If you're one of them, you might be feeling anxious or depressed by this situation. Gabriela Encina, an expat coach and psychologist, talks to us about the impact of the second lockdown on mental health and gives out some tips to get over this.
How will the COVID-19 vaccine affect travel and immigration?
How will the COVID-19 vaccine affect travel and immigration?
Nearly a year after the coronavirus was declared a pandemic, a new vaccine was found with 95% efficacy. Developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, this vaccine should be available around the world from January 2021. Another vaccine, having the same rate of efficacy, has been developed simultaneously in Russia. Does this mean that travel and immigration can resume once people have been vaccinated?
Life of an expat mom with an autistic child in Sweden
Life of an expat mom with an autistic child in Sweden
Steffy comes from Naples. She left Italy in 2016 to settle in Sweden with her children. An avid blogger, Steffy is also the founder of a non-profit organisation that takes care of children with special needs. She talks to about her everyday life and challenges as an expat mom of an autistic child.
Where you should move if you're a highly skilled doctor or nurse
Where you should move if you're a highly skilled doctor or nurse
The COVID-19 crisis has had a significant impact on the health systems of most countries around the world. The most developed countries have not been spared either. With a growing demand for healthcare, coupled with a skills shortage, several countries, such as Australia, New Zealand, as well as Canada, are gradually lifting their border restrictions for highly-qualified health professionals. So if you've got the skills they're currently looking for, and you've always dreamed of moving abroad, you should try your luck.
COVID-19: The alarming situation in the USA and Brazil viewed by expats
COVID-19: The alarming situation in the USA and Brazil viewed by expats
The situation in America is more than alarming, with more than 4.3 million COVID-19 cases and nearly 150,000 deaths in the USA, followed by Brazil with more than 2.4 million cases and over 87,000 deaths. Citizens of these two countries are currently banned from entering many countries, especially in the European Union. This is a major concern for expatriates living there while governments are advising them to return at the soonest. Some expats in the USA and Brazil share their views about the crisis and talk to us about their new routine.
Countries with the best response to the COVID-19 crisis
Countries with the best response to the COVID-19 crisis
It wouldn't be wrong to say that the coronavirus pandemic hasn't spared any country. Today, we have more than 9 million confirmed COVID-19 cases around the world and a death toll of nearly 500,000. On the other hand, you will agree that some countries had a better response than others. Let's take a look at the measures they took to protect their populations.
Retiring abroad after the COVID-19 crisis…
Retiring abroad after the COVID-19 crisis… is launching a special dossier over the coming week. We aim to uncover the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis on global mobility. Indeed, the pandemic has brought very significant changes to our way of life. What will be the consequences for those who want to spend their retirement abroad after the crisis?
COVID-19: What happens if your visa has expired
COVID-19: What happens if your visa has expired
Today, many expats around the world are worried about their stay abroad, especially those whose visa expires soon or has already expired. Given the current travel restrictions, they are not able to go back home. Many countries have thus resolved to grant visa extensions and other benefits to foreign nationals who are already on their territory, but this comes with certain conditions. Here is what you should know.
How different countries are managing the end of lockdown
How different countries are managing the end of lockdown
After being locked down for two months, many countries around the world have begun to breathe again. Let's have a look at how some of these countries are dealing with the end of lockdown.
An expat in the USA talks about the coronavirus pandemic
An expat in the USA talks about the coronavirus pandemic
The USA is one of the most affected countries by the coronavirus pandemic, with more than 1.4 million cases and a death toll of over 83,000. While the lockdown is being eased in many countries, it doesn't look like the situation is getting better anytime soon. Anna, a Bulgarian expat, who lives in Chicago, shares her views about the pandemic with
Expats on the first thing they will do after the lockdown
Expats on the first thing they will do after the lockdown
This week is marked by the much-awaited end of lockdown in many countries around the world. The past few weeks have been stressful indeed, so you'll definitely seize the opportunity to do the things you have been deprived of. However, you still have to comply with certain regulations. We have asked expats about the first thing they are looking to do as soon as the lockdown comes to an end.  
Five lessons you've learned from lockdown
Five lessons you've learned from lockdown
For many expatriates around the world, being locked down at home, whether alone or with family, has been a decisive moment. Besides being bored with a quite limited choice of things to do at home to keep oneself busy, you might now be seeing things differently. Here are five lessons that we've all learned from the lockdown.