Housing - Expat Magazine

A step away from Hollywood: Film student in Los Angeles
A step away from Hollywood: Film student in Los Angeles
Lisa originally comes from Charente Maritime, France. In her quest for new horizons, she moved to New Zealand where she spent six months before moving back to France. A few months later, she decided to move to the USA for her studies and better career prospects. Passionate about cinematography, she is now living her dream in Los Angeles and shares her enthusiasm with Expat.com.
A whole new life for a Filipina in Frankfurt
A whole new life for a Filipina in Frankfurt
Cyril Anne met her husband on a work trip to Germany, where she then moved to continue their life together. She has developed a love for all things German, from the cuisine to warm and friendly people, and she tells Expat.com about some of her favourite things about living in Frankfurt.
Global talent: International employees in demand
Global talent: International employees in demand
International companies are keen on hiring employees to work abroad on long-term contracts or specific projects, and the response they receive from the candidates is rather engaging. But what are multi-national businesses looking to achieve with this practice? And why are people willing to go through the inconvenience of relocation for work? AXA, a global insurance company with 107 million customers all over the world, has asked these and more questions to senior directors in charge of global mobility at 250 multi-national companies in eight countries and to 372 people in 11 countries who are working on international assignments. Expat.com discusses the findings of this survey on global mobility.
Seizing an opportunity in Estonia
Seizing an opportunity in Estonia
Originally from Romania, Alina moved to Denmark to pursue her education and eventually settled down there. However, she moved to Tallinn, Estonia to be with her (now) husband and give life there a try. Since moving there nine months ago, she has fallen for the country as well, and she tells Expat.com just what it is that makes Estonia so appealing.
Edinburgh: Scotland's irresistable charm
Edinburgh: Scotland's irresistable charm
Ashley, an American expat in Scotland talks to Expat.com about the romantic (spoiler) reason behind her decision to move to Edinburgh, Scotland, and how she can now enjoy the best of two worlds. Driving on the "wrong" side of the road and coping with the wet and cold weather have been good enough reasons to give Ashley a cultural shock, but Edinburgh is an easy going place to live in, full of personality and genuinely nice people who will welcome you. 
Europe's most dynamic cities
Europe's most dynamic cities
Europe is full of cities on the move, be it improving infrastructure, to heightening inspiration. Savills Investment Management's measure of the most dynamic cities in Europe highlights the cities with the best prospects for commercial investment, though it is a good indicator of a city's development for anyone hoping to move there. London topped nearly all five of the metrics used by Savills to take the overall top spot, and the UK as a whole features strongly across the different categories.
The cost of expat life in the world's major cities
The cost of expat life in the world's major cities
Mercer's latest cost of living report has revealed the most expensive and the most affordable cities for expats. This year Asian cities took the most places in the top ten most expensive cities, along with several European cities. However, some of the cheapest cities can also be found in Europe and Asia. The rankings were assessed as per the cost of living for an expat working abroad.
How to choose the best expat insurance
How to choose the best expat insurance
If you are getting ready to move abroad, preparation is key, and part of that is insuring against the unforeseen. From your health to your belongings, you will need to find the right kind of insurance to protect against any accidents or unpredictable events. Before you part with your money, make sure you are thoroughly informed of the available options.
A truly European citizen in France
A truly European citizen in France
Having spent a number of years in the Netherlands and Belgium, Brit Nicholas Parrott decided to continue his European adventure in Hendaye, France, where he has been living since June 2016. He shares with Expat.com just what it is that makes Hendaye such a unique an appealing town.
Settling in and first-time mistakes to avoid when moving abroad
Settling in and first-time mistakes to avoid when moving abroad
When you move to a country for the first time, you are always learning new things about the place, such as how the system works, how the people act, and what social norms are acceptable. Finding your feet in a new environment will often mean that you make mistakes —from finding accommodation and meeting new people to knowing your employment rights and budgeting your money.
Best cities for Millennials
Best cities for Millennials
Millennials are much maligned by older generations, but they are more open, more keen to experience the world and more mobile than those that have come before. They are also living in one of the most economically challenging times, with rent prices in many major cities becoming increasingly out of reach. Nestpick have assessed a wide range of factors to find the 100 most millennial-friendly cities, from the affordability of rent and food, to the prevalence of nightlife and – why not – Apple stores.
From Sweden to Singapore: A story worth telling
From Sweden to Singapore: A story worth telling
Aspiring writer Ellie's boyfriend received a job offer in Singapore, and they jumped at the chance to live in one of the world's financial capitals. Ellie speaks with Expat.com about how she has adjusted to life in Singapore, how she spends her time, and what her favourite things are about her new home.
Making a new house a home
Making a new house a home
A big part of making your move abroad successful is making your new house feel like home. Whether you are renting or buying a property abroad, being able to quickly make your new house feel like home can help get you through any initial homesickness. This is obviously no easy feat, but there are ways to make it easier!
Getting your residency through property investment
Getting your residency through property investment
Obtaining residency as an expat can sometimes be an arduous and time-consuming process. Often countries require long periods of residence, along with a range of other criteria that must be met before you can acquire a residency permit, even if you're ready to call your new country home. However, if you have a few $100,000 burning a hole in your pocket, or you are looking to invest in your latest destination anyway, you may want to consider the countries which allow foreign investment in property in addition to offering residency above a certain level of investment.
Rent prices across the world's top financial centres
Rent prices across the world's top financial centres
For those looking to move to some of the world's leading financial centres, the cost of living will play a very important part of your decision. If you will be working in the financial sector in a big city, you will likely want to live close to the city centre, but rent can be pricey. So where are the cities where you can get better value for money? Just how much does it cost to rent a one-bedroom apartment? Recent research has revealed where you can get the best balance of location and rent price.
Where are the world's most expensive places to live?
Where are the world's most expensive places to live?
If you choose city-living in a bustling metropolis, be prepared for some potentially sky-high costs. The amenities afforded are innumerable in a cosmopolitan city, but at what price? The latest report from the Economist Intelligence Unit on the most expensive cities to live in across the world is out, highlighting the places with the highest cost of living. We take an in-depth look at the most expensive cities to live in, as well as hearing about the experiences of some of our own members.
The cost of living in Europe's popular expat destinations
The cost of living in Europe's popular expat destinations
Ever wondered how expensive it is to live in some of the most desirable European countries? Europe is home to a wealth of popular expat destinations for both EU citizens and those coming from further afield, but it can be hard to know just how much things like accommodation and transportation will cost. Below we present the average cost of living in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Italy, and Spain.
How we became an American expat family in England
How we became an American expat family in England
When an opportunity comes, you better grab it. This is exactly what Swapna from the United States and her family did several months ago when they moved to Surrey, England. Nowadays, they all enjoy a new lifestyle that may not resemble what they were used to back home but teaches them a whole lot about the world and themselves. Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone to understand who you are and what matters to you in life.