Lifestyle - Expat Magazine

Navigating everyday challenges: Stories from expats around the globe
Navigating everyday challenges: Stories from expats around the globe
Living abroad is a real challenge that some people decide to take up. Whether it's for a change of scenery, learning new languages, experiencing culture shock, or enriching their professional experience, each and every one of them dares on a daily basis.
New beginnings: Expats share their 2024 resolutions
New beginnings: Expats share their 2024 resolutions
As the New Year dives in, most of us make good resolutions that we shall give up after three days, others that we will hold or try to hold as far as possible. These often include doing more sports, eating better, traveling, visiting friends and family more often, etc. Everyone has their ideas. What about expats?  
How to thrive as a vegetarian or vegan expat during the holidays
How to thrive as a vegetarian or vegan expat during the holidays
Expat life can be a fantastic adventure, but it often demands extra organization and adaptation, especially during the holiday season. For those on a vegetarian or vegan diet, embracing foreign culinary traditions can be rewarding and challenging. Here are some tips to help you fully enjoy the festive season while living abroad and staying true to your dietary preferences.
Home for the holidays: What to pack in your suitcase for festive gifts
Home for the holidays: What to pack in your suitcase for festive gifts
Expats heading home for the festive season know that this is also the perfect time to fill their luggage with gifts for friends and family. If you're a new expat spending your first Christmas abroad and you're planning to return for the holidays, you might be wondering what you could bring back and how to do it sustainably to minimize the environmental impact. Your questions will be addressed in this article.
Embracing the holidays away from home: Coping with loneliness
Embracing the holidays away from home: Coping with loneliness
Spending the holidays away from home can be a uniquely challenging experience. Moreover, the holiday season often heightens homesickness and loneliness as traditions and family gatherings take center stage. Today, we will look into ways to address these feelings so that your holidays in a new location are a source of positive memories you will want to keep.
Immigration in China amid expat departures and economic challenges
Immigration in China amid expat departures and economic challenges
Caught in an unprecedented housing crisis, China's economic growth is stumbling. The shift from the Covid zero policy hasn't resulted in a significant economic rebound or a widespread return of expatriates as expected. On the contrary, the situation is becoming more challenging.
Why increasing numbers of immigrants choose to leave Canada
Why increasing numbers of immigrants choose to leave Canada
Has Canada lost its appeal in the eyes of foreigners? Although the country significantly relies on immigration for its growth, a recent study has sparked concerns as more immigrants choose to leave the country for better prospects. Let's explore the different reasons. 
These are the world's best cities for food
These are the world's best cities for food
There are lots of reasons to visit a new city. However, few are more compelling than really great food. Locating these special destinations is rarely easy. That is unless you have a handy list to go by. Here are the best cities in the world to plan your next dinner.
Europe's water crisis: Unveiling critical issues
Europe's water crisis: Unveiling critical issues
Is tap water becoming a luxury in Europe? Although many Europeans can still easily access water, some have faced water restrictions for years. The water crisis in Europe is becoming more serious. Why is this happening, and how will it affect the daily lives of expatriates? Let's have a look at the current situation.
The world's most unique toilets expats should know about
The world's most unique toilets expats should know about
The life of an expat is full of surprises. New countries come with new cultures, rules, traditions, food, work schedules, and much more. Where most expats generally don't expect surprises is in the bathroom. After all, how strange can things get in a water closet (WC)? Turns out, the life of an expat is, indeed, full of surprises – and nowhere is an exception. 
Government strategies to attract expats: Living abroad for less
Government strategies to attract expats: Living abroad for less
Should this be seen as a government strategy to attract foreigners? Here's some great news for people who love adventure, thrills, challenges and new experiences. You can move abroad and even get paid for it. Here's how.
France: New announcements fuel immigration debates
France: New announcements fuel immigration debates
After being shelved for several months, the immigration bill is back in the spotlight in a particularly tense context in France. Emotions are still running high after the attack on a secondary school in Arras. The text, which will be examined by the Senate from November 6, has sparked heated debate. How do expats feel about this?
Divorce dilemmas for expats in countries with strict divorce laws
Divorce dilemmas for expats in countries with strict divorce laws
Moving abroad as a couple, finding love in a foreign country, and building a life together isn't always easy. And when you're an expat, feelings can be even more complicated. Sometimes, the journey together doesn't turn out as expected, and divorce becomes the only option. What can you do if you live in a country where getting a divorce is difficult?
Conflict zones around the world: What expats should be aware of
Conflict zones around the world: What expats should be aware of
The conflict between Israel and the Islamist group has been ongoing since Hamas' surprise attack. In Mayotte, the population was alarmed by a night of violence. Elsewhere, tensions between Manila and Beijing in the South China Sea have rekindled. In response to the attacks in France and Belgium, Europe calls for vigilance. Let's have a look at what's happening around the world to help you better plan your travels or adjust to the situation in your expat country.
Why you should not stay in an expat bubble when moving abroad
Why you should not stay in an expat bubble when moving abroad
Finding fellow expats in a new country may be a dream come true — at first. However, if your expat circle prevents you from experiencing life in your new destination, you may want to start planning your escape. Here's what you should know.
Bedbug infestation in Paris: between psychosis and trauma
Bedbug infestation in Paris: between psychosis and trauma
It's all over the news: France, especially Paris, is said to be infested by bedbugs. In fact, since September, not only households but also cinemas, trains and underground trains in the French capital have been badly infested, as reported on social networks and in the media.
Reverse culture shock: How to reconnect with life in your home country
Reverse culture shock: How to reconnect with life in your home country
Returning home after a long time abroad can be a truly rewarding and much-awaited experience. However, it can also pose several distinct challenges, from reverse culture shock to even a new language barrier. Let's see what can be done to make the transition easier.
How to watch your diet as an expat
How to watch your diet as an expat
Moving to a new country can be an exciting and challenging experience, with many opportunities to explore a new culture and way of life. One of the most exciting aspects of settling into a new country is discovering the local cuisine. Trying new foods and flavors is a fantastic way to immerse oneself in a new culture and create lasting memories. However, with new cuisines come new challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet.