Lifestyle - Expat Magazine

Family reunification: Middle East countries' new bid new retain foreign talent
Family reunification: Middle East countries' new bid new retain foreign talent
The first months of the Covid pandemic raised much concern regarding global mobility. Yet, it survived and has even been reinforced. Countries affected by unparallel labor force shortages are fighting to attract foreign talent. The competition for attractiveness stretches from Japan to the UK, including Australia, Germany, Canada, and many other countries. Middle East countries are playing the family card to attract and retain foreign talent. Let's have a closer look at these measures.
How do strikes affect the lives of expats?
How do strikes affect the lives of expats?
For several months now, the Netherlands has experienced a series of public transport strikes due to the inability of unions and public transport operators to come to an agreement regarding salaries, work contracts, and employee workloads. In this context, we've decided to look into how strikes may affect the lives of expats and what they can do to plan their everyday life in the new circumstances.
How important is quality of life for expats?
How important is quality of life for expats?
For prospective expats, the quality of life is a crucial factor when deciding to move abroad. In this article, we will explore what quality of life means for expats, how it can impact their decision to move abroad, and how they can evaluate the quality of life factors when considering a new destination. Whether you're planning to move abroad or are already an expat, these pointers will help you better understand what quality of life means and how it can affect your experience living abroad.
Countries where the Covid risk still exists
Hong Kong
Countries where the Covid risk still exists
There have been rumors since the end of 2022. Then John Lee, the Special Administrative Area's (SAR) Chief Executive, confirmed the news. Hong Kong is finally back to "normality". The wearing of masks is no longer mandatory for Hongkongers. Still, the mask is still strongly recommended in high-risk areas. Hong Kong is one of many countries to go by this preventive statement, reminding their populations of the importance of keeping the good practices acquired during the COVID crisis. Because the health risk still exists, and no country is immune.
How the United Arab Emirates became a favorite expat destination
How the United Arab Emirates became a favorite expat destination
The United Arab Emirates looks like they are quickly achieving its goals! In the early months of the Covid pandemic, the country soon became an ideal destination for expatriates. But today, the communication campaign is coupled with long-term and ambitious changes to attract more foreigners. There are the new visas, the extension of the categories of eligible applicants for the Golden Visa, along with the relaxation of some rules regarding the consumption of alcohol, etc. The new measures confirm the trend. 
What's changing for expats parents in France in 2023
What's changing for expats parents in France in 2023
2023 is sure to bring its share of positive and negative changes. On the negative side, property taxes will continue to rise. But on the positive one, savings are picking up, thanks to the increase in the "Plan Épargne Logement (PEL)" or the "Livret A". The withholding tax scale has also been revised to take account of inflation. Property tax on main residence, previously paid by tenants and owners, has been suspended. Other arrangements are also planned for parents to help reduce their expenses and give them greater purchasing power.
How important is social media for expats?
How important is social media for expats?
Moving abroad is a major upheaval in a person's life. Many use social media not only to make the transition smoother and for better integration but also for work or to become an influencer. Whether it is for keeping in touch with friends and family, making new acquaintances locally, or making oneself known, this means of communication has helped many of us.
UAE and Saudi Arabia could make citizenship more accessible to expats in the future
Saudi Arabia
UAE and Saudi Arabia could make citizenship more accessible to expats in the future
As economies around the world prepare for an oil-free future in their own way, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia could take an extra step in favor of expatriates. According to the British newspaper The Economist, the two major oil producers are planning on diversifying their sources of wealth. This diversification could involve granting more rights to foreigners, including citizenship.
What expats should consider when moving to earthquake-prone countries
What expats should consider when moving to earthquake-prone countries
The tragedy that recently struck Turkey and Syria is a stark reminder of how some locations lie within the planet's most active seismic and dangerous zones. While the odds of finding survivors are getting slimmer as the days go by, the task of reconstruction seems insurmountable at all levels. So what should you consider as an expat in an earthquake-prone country? Should you move there at all?
How and when can you be naturalized in your expat country?
How and when can you be naturalized in your expat country?
After multiple years in a country, expats might wish to acquire local citizenship. They might feel that this country is now as much of their home as their birth one. They might want to buy property more easily, vote or even run in local elections, and enjoy the privileges of the local passport. How long does it take to get naturalized in popular expat destinations, and what are the conditions to be met? In most countries, it takes 5 years of continuous residence to apply for citizenship.
Immigration in Finland rose even during the pandemic
Immigration in Finland rose even during the pandemic
A recent study by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) found that, among 15 high-income countries, Finland was the only one that didn't have a lower immigration rate in 2020 when measured against predicted immigration in the absence of Covid. Data from the OECD suggests that freedom of movement within the European Economic Area (EEA) contributed to that.
Why Sweden is reviewing its immigration policy
Why Sweden is reviewing its immigration policy
According to Swedish Migration Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard, this move aims to "reduce the risk of painful tragedies for migrants". Underlying this measure is, in fact, the political pressure exerted by the far-right Sweden Democrats (SD) party. The SD intends to take advantage of Sweden's presidency of the European Union to steer migration policy. 
These are the most difficult languages for expats to learn
These are the most difficult languages for expats to learn
Any expat will tell you that one of the most important stages of settling abroad is usually the process of learning and understanding a new language. The truth is that full integration in one's host country requires that one manages to communicate verbally in the country's national language. However, some of these languages may be more challenging than others, which means that it may take some time and extra effort being to able to communicate in the language fluently. Let's find out about some of the languages that are the most difficult for expats to learn.
Will Jacinda Ardern's resignation impact immigration to New Zealand?
New Zealand
Will Jacinda Ardern's resignation impact immigration to New Zealand?
After 5 years as Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern resigned on January 19. She has since been replaced by her Labour Party colleague Chris Hipkins. While Ardern has cited burnout as the main reason for her resignation, it does come in the wake of her plummeting popularity in New Zealand. Her immigration policy, focused on making the system more selective, changed between 2017-2020 and 2020-2022.
Retiring abroad in 2023: Here's what you should consider
Retiring abroad in 2023: Here's what you should consider
Behind every plan to retire abroad lies a personal motivation, whether it's to fulfill a dream, meet a personal challenge, be closer to loved ones, explore the unknown, or find a new way of living. And paradoxically, the current context seems to be conducive to achieving these late-stage dreams. As if in defiance of the economic downturn, more and more retirees are choosing to retire abroad. How can such a project be envisaged in times of global crisis? What are the benefits of retiring abroad?
China reopens: What does this mean for expats and the economy?
China reopens: What does this mean for expats and the economy?
After 3 years, China finally reopened its borders on January 8. Most travelers can now enter the country only with a negative PCR test. Many expats in China feel relieved and want to resume enjoying the life they loved there. However, some who were stuck outside of China in March 2020 are hesitant about returning, and doubts remain about the economic prospects of expats in the country.
Immigration to Spain: What are the prospects in 2023?
Immigration to Spain: What are the prospects in 2023?
As Spain prepares to launch its new Digital Nomad Visa, what should you know about moving there in 2023? The country also has a new Startup Act to encourage entrepreneurship, even from expats, and it boasts of the lowest inflation in the EU and multiple new social welfare policies at the moment. Retirees have historically been a big expat demographic in Spain, but there are now increasingly more young expats in their 20s and 30s.
US immigration: the challenges of Biden's new policy
US immigration: the challenges of Biden's new policy
Joe Biden concedes that the latest decisions won't solve the problems undermining the immigration system. However, the American president is optimistic in his belief that these new measures will be of great help to the nation. How, in the context of an inflationary and global economic crisis, can labor shortages be addressed while at the same time firmly addressing the issue of illegal immigration? The American president is trying to reach out to the Republicans without alienating his supporters, which is a risky exercise, even for the most talented of balancers. What can we learn from the Biden administration's new immigration policy?