Polygraph test

Incredible! I have a question that has never been asked before in this forum. Anyone knows of a service in Saigon where to do polygraph test? (lie detector, in short). I found several on googlemaps, but when I go into them they are all but polygraph test services. So, I wonder if anyone knows.

If not polygraph, what services are being offered?

I would only want a polygraph...or are you thinking of psycho readers or fortunetellers? Be my guest...not with me though. :)

I'm confused.

I'm not "thinking" of anything.

You said you were looking for a polygraph service. You went to places that *said* (or lead you to believe) they offered that service.

You found they don't offer that service, but they *do* offer other services.

I asked "what other services do they offer?"

Do you know? Is it a fortune teller? If so, just say, "It's a fortune teller."

Ah ok. sorry....misunderstanding then. I didnt go, I just googlemapped it. If you key in polygraph several places pop up, many of them dont have website...so cant really tell what they have. Some have website but I saw one for example that would sell kitchen hardware or something. So...quite confusing. But I havent been to any of those places.