How to add covid vaccine details from another country to app


My father will be coming over to Bahrain from UK in june. he has had both doses of covid vaccine. How does he go about showing he has proof of covid vaccine so he doesn't need to have pcr covid test?

Thank you

You do know people that have been vaccinated can still catch, carry and pass to others covid 19, i dont think it matters you still need the tests.

And Bahrain hasn't advised the process for adding vaccination done in other countries to the app.

I saw on the news that Bahrain said if you are fully vaccinated you don't need the pcr tests on arrival

I thought it was only if you were vaccinated in bahrain you wouldnt need pcr test on arrival. maybe ask the embassy, ive recieved my first im also in the Uk and we were not given anything to say we have been vaccinated .. most likely he will need to contact his gp for a letter i think they charge about £15 per letter anyway please keep us updated as ill be travelling august and will be in the same position.

You are exempt only if your fully vaccinated in Bahrain.