Looking for Indian cook

Hi, I'm Dennis n my family runs an Indian restaurant in kepong area. We are looking for cooks who are able to cook Indian food. We have attractive salary package too...tq


You can place a free advert in the jobs section top of this page.

This is an expat forum and any expats looking for a cooks job would be unlikely to be hired by anyone due to the immigration laws and the need for such jobs to go to local people. I suggest placing classified ads in the newspapers, putting a sign in your window, and even passing out flyers in the Brickfield area. You can also approach Indian people right on the street and ask if they know a cook looking for a job.

Dear sir madam  please can you share your full details
I am Indian chef  thanks

I'm chef all rounder all cusine
I'm MBA hotel management
I have 12 y experience
My contact number ***

Moderated by Priscilla 2 years ago
Reason : Please do not share any private details on the forum for your own security
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Hi everyone,

For all job adverts, thanks to post in the Jobs in Kuala Lampur section.


Expat.com Team  :cheers:
