Home loan/Mortgage in Malta

Hi guys,

Just trying to figure out how long it took you guys to buy a flat or house in Malta.

Let's say our borrowing power was sufficient for the place we want to buy, we have a 20% deposit and employed in Malta.

will the banks borrow to you within 3-12 months of arrival or do Maltese banks want you to be there longer first?

Thanks guys!

I would assume you would have to wait until you have your residence card, it's not easy opening bank accounts here.


I presume you mean the temp residency card which you have for the first five years...

I don't know but I would not rush to buy somewhere here it's best to rent for a while to see whether you like living here.

I have never made a bad investment when buying property... Really after more info around how easy it is to get a home loan in Malta for European/Australian citizens....Thanks though :)

Have you actually moved here yet?  If not have you visited Malta?

Haven't moved yet but have been to Malta many times :)

Generally you need to be here 12 months to get a mortgage and will need 30% deposit.

When I got my first house I started the process around 9 or 10 months after arrival and eventually got them to settle on 20% (HSBC)

When I got our 2nd house I was allowed the minimum for 2nd houses which is 15% deposit.

In both cases the process was from August to December and I doubt you'd get it shorter.  You'll need life insurance to cover the loans.

(edit) I'd add that's actually a blessing in disguise, since Malta can be quite a difficult place to figure out where you want to settle long term and what to look for.