Relocating as non Schengen citizien

I am thinking to relocate to Graz for a job which salary's group B1 category of labour agreement in Austria.I wanted to ask in advance for pension and retirement scheme for non Schengen citiziens.As I will hold a visa and ask for residenze, will I be able to get pension later with such salary? I mean is it included in tax I will pay or how does it work.Could someone clarify me please.How much is considered a good salary (in neto terms, after tax) in this area?


Yes you will get a pension but you will have to work 15 years before you will get it. What is the job?

Thank you for answering. IT in research and development.My main issue is that I am non Eu citizien so I was wondering for pension scheme.What do you mean "15 year", i meant if i work with temporary residence under visa will I get taxed, so logically I do give to the state contributions for pension scheme, or I do net get taxed in such case?What about phd-s? Are they considered as employment in Austria? I am in doubt if persuading a phd or go straightforward for job.

You can search here for wages

Taxes are paid towards health insurance and pension.