How do you pass time during lockdown in Canada?

Being locked up at home because of the coronavirus in Canada isn't the happiest thing in the world...

But fortunately, there are ways to entertain yourself !

What are some of the ways you've found to cheat boredom?

Hoping you're safe and sound.


I don't live in Canada anymore but my friends there are calling and texting me way more than usual  :D
I guess one of the good way to pass the time is to catch up with friends and family living abroad.

Reading. Cooking. Scrapbooking or creating templates for wedding invitations.
Gardening (currently have a patio with some containers - tomatoes, cucumbers, dill, basil, green beans... this time of year mostly I gaze at them lovingly but I started from seed and that's a bit of work/monitoring. someday I'd like a proper garden)