General question

Hello all,
I'm currently applying for a year-long fellowship that will finance one year's worth of international research and I'm interested in American expat communities (how they've encorporated native culture, what elements of their own native culture have been retained, what they're doing in the community, their attitudes re: being American -- that sort of thing) . I would love any suggestions regarding cities I should spend time in, any other facets of expat life that I should consider- input of any kind, really.
Your comments are much appreciated, thank you.

If you are interested in US expats, I am currently reading "A Gathering of Fugitives" by Diana Anhalt, which deals with US Americans who fled to Mexico during the McCarthy era. I would recommend it - the book deals with the issues you mention with the additional twist of their political leanings.

Good luck! Sounds like a fascinating project.

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