Q: Fine paying and re entering brazil after overstaying T-V

So heres the story,

Ive over stayed my six month long tourist visa by about two years. I have been living in RDJ in Brazil with my partner.

There is a family thing i must go back to my country (The UK) and see too. I hope to spend six weeks in the UK and then return to RDJ and carry on as usual.

I understand there will be a fine of 10000 REALS which i am prepared to pay for.

My only concern is that when leaving Brazil is it possible that I will have to spend six months away from the country in a sort of "exile" or will I be able to return with my paid fined and restart on a tourist visa after my planned six weeks in the UK.

I have seen many different stories and I imagine luck may play a big part when I speak with the Federal police on departure date.

I would like to know if anyone reading this has any useful information or expierence they can share so I can gain full clarity that my plan will be ok.

It would be a difficulty if i had  to stay six months away from my woman.

Thank you.

Tamos Juntos

https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.p … 50#4541073
Think the topic may help.


My friend, don't need to worry. For your lucky with the new law, you can regulate your situation in Brazil, so you don't need to leave the country. However, if you leave the country, then I'll new another visa.

The only way to avoid the fine is to request an economic insufficiency, which is not hard by the way.

Hope you find your way to stay with your wife.
We are here to help you.

thanks for that i never heard about requesting economic insuffieniency... would i have to speak with the federal police for something like this?

and i didnt understand the end of the first paragraph you wrote

Oh yes, it's possible since the new law. 
You can do it by yourself in Federal Police, you make the request and they send it to Brasilia.
The whole process take until 3 months. There are some companies that helps this process if you need it.