Best Countries to be a Digital Nomad

Have a website and I caught the travel bug. I'm in Mexico for the month but wanted to know if any other countries that would be good to live in for cheap?

Pakistan is one of the countries where cost of living is low

Thailand I suppose. Many vloggers are also in the Philippines.

Please note that most countries' visa rules do not allow paid work or doing business while visiting on a tourist visa. Managing your own commercial website, even if remotely, counts as such.
In addition, most countries require residents to pay income tax while living in the country. This usually also includes remote income. Not paying taxes is of course illegal, but also morally dubious because when living there you benefit from the host society, but you do not contribute to it.
Because of this, so-called "Digital Nomads" are usually illegal leeches in the eyes of the authorities almost everywhere.

I've heard good things about Costa Rica for digital nomads. I guess the internet can be spotty in some areas, but it's pretty good in and near the major cities from what I understand.

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