Where to get hydrocodone or oxycodone in HCMC no prescription

I have a right inguinal hernia surgery from 6 months ago can someone tell me a pharmacy in HCMC preferably district 1 where I can get hydrocodone or oxycodone without a prescription . thank you.

After 6 month you still have pain?

Yes I also have L4,L5 spondylyosis in my back.

greglavalleye wrote:

without a prescription .

These are the key words that make the answer no.   I expect these products are available but you will need to develop a strong relationship with a local physician.  Hopefully you have copies of your medical records as well to confirm your operation history.  I took Oxycodone (in the US) after a total knee replacement but couldn't stand the feeling of nausea that it gave me so I restricted my use to nighttime only.

Vietnam plays fast and loose with a lot of medications, particularly antibiotics, that require prescriptions in the West but they seem to be tough on addictive substances.  My ENT physician gave me a scrip for Pseudoephedrine which is not itself addictive but is the base ingredient for making crystal meth.  He was very familiar with it from his Western training and agreed that it was the best decongestant, but he said he had no idea if it was available anywhere in HCMC.  Sure enough it was not, even at the wholesale pharmacy that my wife uses. 

I have no personal experience but a lot of friends swear by acupuncture.  If you have knowledgeable local acquaintances you might ask for recommendations and give it a try.

Does anyone know a pharmacy or place to h eat the prescriptions? It is 11 hour time difference between here in HCMC and USA so hard to get medical records.

greglavalleye wrote:

Does anyone know a pharmacy or place to h eat the prescriptions? It is 11 hour time difference between here in HCMC and USA so hard to get medical records.

I am having a hard time reading through your apparent typo of "to h eat" however If your need is that immediate, better check in to an emergency room and see a physician.  Asking a pharmacy to maybe break the law by selling to you is really not appropriate.

It is amazing that you see this as merely an 11 hour time shift problem.  If you really need these addictive controlled drugs, you certainly showed a lack of foresight in moving to Vietnam without having things worked out ahead of time.  Having been in need of these drugs myself, I was initially sympathetic.  I am becoming less so.

I am not asking to break the law. Simply asking for my medications I am prescribed for surgery I recently had.

greglavalleye wrote:

I am not asking to break the law. Simply asking for my medications I am prescribed for surgery I recently had.

You are asking to break the law, because you are asking for a lead on a pharmacy that will sell you addictive synthetic opioids without showing them a Rx.  And is 6 months really "recently?"  My surgeon told me that my full knee replacement is one of the most disruptive surgeries with a long recovery period. I managed to get off the Oxycodone in less than two months even though I still have pain.

Your real problem is lack of proper planning. Once again my suggestion is that you see a physician ASAP.   If you can't find a doctor willing to write a scrip that a VN pharmacy will honor, your only alternative may be to use your return ticket.

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