Moving to Toulouse to teach English and practise Chinese medicine!...


I'm thinking about moving to Toulouse and teaching English to get by at least initially. I practise Chinese medicine (acupuncture and tui na massage) - I can't practise acupuncture in france i know but ideally I'd like to move to practising tui na in france.

Can anyone tell me (1) best places to contact re. getting English teaching jobs (2) qualifications needed and (3) the best way to find accommodation initially?

I'm fluent in French so that's not an obstacle.


Welcome on board Andy ;)

Meanwhile I will suggest you to browse through the different sections in the France Guide! It contains many useful information which may help you.


[Moderated: No free ad on the forum]

Hi - you can sign up with tutoring agencies like Acadomia and Laureat. You can put ads in leboncoin and you can put cards in local shops. But unless you have special qualities you will never earn enough money to survive here.

By special qualities I mean the ability to teach business English better than the 1000s of Brits, Americans etc... who live in this area already. If you have a TEFL qualification that helps, but business English is a better starting point, and that's where the money is.

For accomodation put an ad in leboncoin