NGO, summer internship in Zurich ?

I am looking for a summer internship (july august) in Zurich in business administration. As I don't speak German, things are getting complicated but I speak French, English and Spanish.
I would also be fine working for a company even not being paid, in order to do some tasks they have no time to do.
Or to volonteer for an international (or not) NGO (in business management or not).

I don't find anything online after weeks and weeks of researches. That would be great if anyone had some tips or knew some names of company, or NGOs.

Thank you!


Hi Philippine and welcome on board  :)

Maybe some tips here : Internship in Switzerland, you could browse the websites mentioned.

Also, feel free to drop a "looking for" advert and create your cv in the Jobs in Zurich section.

All the best,

Try geneva
the Red Cross, the UNO or COREnic, Chamber of Commerce

In Zürich you could ask

Switzerland does not have a reputation for being an intern friendly country.

Do not wait for job specification.
Just send application to your favorite NGO or companies in Switzerland.
In Geneva is a NGO for almost every topic around.

Thank you! I keep on looking but it isn't easy as I don't speak German! I'll check those links asap :)

Swiss companies and NGO understand all English.
Don't be shy, you have to make first step.
Make list of NGO you like, then approach them

I approached the red cross, and a few others. All the answers I got asked for someone speaking German, but I will keep on looking, in an NGO or in a company  and I'll find something !

Ask Google, month by month they hire staff