Overall Weather in Salina and area?

I have been looking at real-estate sites and one of the common things that I am seeing in the pictures is over cast! Can someone tell me more about the over all weather and the seasons there?

While you wait for local expats to give you the low-down here are some links to read about Salinas and its weather and climate:

http://vivatropical.com/ecuador/salinas-ecuador/https://www.worldweatheronline.com/v2/w … as/ec.aspxhttp://clima.starmedia.com/sudamerica/ecuador/salinas/

Some cloud cover is normal during the low season, May through November and less during high season aka Temporada, Christmas through Easter.

Salinas is arid country so expect minimal rainfall.
Perhaps a week or so of almost daily rain about this time of year, then pretty much nothing.

I was able to open the VivaTropical link and... Don't much agree with its findings. Overexagerating the "chilly" and the "sparse" and while big holidays have big tourist impact with crowds during the week the crowds aren't there.

One thing that does affect the "climate" so to speak, are an enclave of expats who are a tad "redneck" and not in the good ol' boy vein. These are the type who don't learn Spanish, stick to their game nights among themselves, and are constantly worried they are being gringo priced, among other things. With the closings of 90% of the gringo owned bars/restaurants, these folks are much less seen.

BTW, I lived in the Salinas canton for 8 yearsand moivedo Montañita further up the coast about 9 months ago.

Susan_in_Ecuador wrote:

With the closings of 90% of the gringo owned bars/restaurants, these folks are much less seen.

BTW, I lived in the Salinas canton for 8 years and moved to Montañita further up the coast about 9 months ago.

90 percent of Gringo-owned bars and restaurants have closed! -- I haven't seen that number before.

Was this a result of the earthquakes .. or other factors that occurred over a longer period?

In the areas you have lived, how many individual bars and restaurants owned by Gringos closed, Susan?


The overall reason for the closure of the gringo (north American) owned bars/restaurants, illegal activity and/or breaking labor laws. Sale of liquor to minors, selling drugs, selling liquor illegally (without license), failure to pay wages and benefits, failure to provide 2days off and meal stipend. One gringo former owner is doing time (drug sales).

These were not one time acts, by the way, these were repeated and each of these owners given the opportunity to correct their behavior with a "slap on the wrist" but chose not to.

The other reasons, just closing due to inability to make a profit.