Studying in Madagascar

Hello everyone,

Would you recommend studying abroad in Madagascar?

Every year, 4 million young people from all over the world choose to study abroad for one semester or a full academic year. Would you encourage them to come and study in Madagascar?

In your opinion, what are the most prestigious colleges and universities in the country/area? Are these free of charge? If not, are tuition fees expensive? Are there many foreign students enrolled in these schools/colleges/universities? What is the main language of instruction at the university?

Thank you in advance for sharing!

People, students do not come to Madagascar to study any more than than people visit Madagascar for medical tourism unless you are interested in voodoo. Anyone, a student who can afford to leave the country for a higher education do so and go to France mostly.

University here is a mix of language of French and Malagasy at University level, so broken French usually and rarely on the intellectual level-  Depending on the region being there are 18 different dialects and less developed levels in French- Tana university  being the best. I hired a college student out of the main university of Tana and when I thought I could talk with him about the stars in the skies and mentioned what he thought about if there was life in space being that each star was a sun, he said that stars are not suns or why didn't they look like our sun??  I let that conversation die off.
If you are looking for Back end or full stack web developers then you should seek people from India for a reasonable price or better yet digital nomads who are global minded and well studied in HTML, ruby rails...etc.   Or put an ad in Chang Mai Thailand which is the hot spot for young digital nomads these days. 
If you want to place ads, then go here in Madagascar---- here are two good starters