Dealing with homesickness in Tanzania

Hello everyone,

Being an expat in Tanzania can turn out to be a wonderful human, social or professional adventure... with potential moments of nostalgia and homesickness along the way.

What are your personal tips to prevent homesickness?

How do you deal with such feelings?

Are there shops or stores offering products from your home country in Tanzania? Or maybe venues with music and ambiance from your homeland?

Thanks for sharing your experience,


Hi, Yes being homesick is becoming and issue now a days however i have seen and met with individuals who dose business from home to avoid from it and few deals with social activities to keep them active and bussy,

I would like to prefer those who are atleast making sone money from home rather then wasting time for doing nothing and staying at home as a handicape ...
Life is not useless if we take it seriouse and have goals to achieve..


To prevent homesickness my tip for you would be..... stay in your home and don't go away from it.

shops and stores selling home country products will only worsen the homesickness and so as venues with music.

Yes, I see most people now a days having issue of Homesick. Homesickness is a very real anxiety issue, but it's not one that has to hold you back. Everyone gets through feeling homesick at their own pace. Remember that it's a very normal and completely understandable reaction to moving abroad, and that it's okay to miss home once in a while.

To prevent homesickness is not a big deal. We humans are creatures of habit, and being thrown into drastic changes in habit is enough to make anyone yearn for a regular, even boring day. You can't bring your entire room or yard from home abroad with you, but you can find ways, both big and small, to make your new space feel more like you want it to be.

you just need to find the right person in here(Tanzania) who knows the country verywell and you will have a time of your life.