Requiring help for information on Visas


I'm currently looking into emigrating over to Brisbane from not so sunny Scotland. I've completed an apprenticeship as an Electrician and have 3 1/2 years experience after being fully qualified in the oil and gas sector but was trained in the housing and industrial side of things.

What i'm looking for is some information from people who have followed the same path over as i'm not sure what visa to apply for to get over to oz! Electricians are on the skills shortlost and as I wont have the Australian certificates the need for re-training over there is essential for work.  I'm not sure how to go about the application without fully understanding what visa i am entitled to apply for and what one is most appropriate my someone who intends to live there on a full time basis and not just for a year or 2.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as i am in the early stages of gathering information.

Thanks Mark

Hi and welcome to the forum.

Check out this website  for visa types and requirements. The requirements for additional training are not onerous and do not take too long but need to be done before you can get a job.

You should also do a Google search for info on how, where and what you need to do to undergo this training.

Hi Mr Mark,

The electricians are high demanded in Australia. Your experience is not enough to get RPL (skill migration). You need to have local qualification and certificate.

Its easy to get student visa. You could be qualified electricians and chances to migrate is high.

Please guys is there any professional courses that I can do in australia on health and safety?
I base in dubai, presently working as barista but I want to change my field of work to safety department because I had profession certificate in this field.
I just need few professional course that will last for one year.........Please I need your help in this?

Thanks for the advice greatly appreciated. From what i can see the process of transferring my skills over and obtaining a visa are frustrating and complex. Maybe a visit and some conversations with companies over there might be the way to go.