Mobile app for

We should have one! Please?

One question - why would it be useful?

If you ask for something, it's always a good idea to explain its benefits.

No sarcasm, just a direct question.

Thread moved to > Help us improve the website < Forum section. :cheers:

Must admit, from a purely personal point of view, I have never seen the need for apps for specific websites.
If I want to log on and check or any other entity I just go on to the website via the browser on my mobile or Google it.
Most of the time I don't bother as I am one of the older generation who uses a mobile to talk to people or send messages!


Fred wrote:

One question - why would it be useful?

If you ask for something, it's always a good idea to explain its benefits.

No sarcasm, just a direct question.

Hey Fred, well if this needs to be done properly,'s administrators will have to run their stats and check the percentage of mobile access to the site, if it's in highs then this is just one indicator.

We have a business directory, guides, etc. I can't count the times I needed to find something and pulled out my phone to search.

The mobile app won't be as comprehensive as the website, it would have a few key functionalities like business directory, uploading photos, etc.

The whole website is social by nature, a mobile layer would make it more "usable"

Just my 2 cents!

You've already attracted attention to your idea, and I'm guessing the development team are already discussing it.

No idea is ridiculous.
It's high time launch a mobile App.

what u think? suggest your ideas...

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