Police Rescue Baby Abducted in Cuenca and Sold in Cañar, Two Arrested

The anti-kidnapping unit of he Ecuadorian National Police staged two raids last weekend, resulting in the rescue of a baby taken from its mother at the age of nine days .. and arrested two members of an alleged network of baby and child sellers.

According to the police, the baby was abducted in Cuenca on October 7th, sold in Cañar province north of Cuenca, and rescued this past Sunday, November 8th.

The baby was examined at a Cuenca hospital and then returned to the mother.

Police say several rings have been operating in Ecuador specializing in baby and child kidnapping and selling the children.  The ring operating in Cuenca allegedly sold the baby for $5,900.

It is believed that these rings target light-skinned babies of European heritage in the belief they can get more money for such from adopting parents.

source:  www.cuencahighlife.com

How sick can it get!  I hope they fry them.  Thanks for the info.  Martha

I agree with Martha - make examples of these lowlifes ...Mike Love