Staff faking signature

Signature forgery:
looking for opinion on handling an admin staff forcified HR manager & CRO signatures to issue a letter of employment

Your question is extremely vague, what exactly are you concerned about? Are you having a moral crisis and thinking of reporting the individual to someone????

As a fellow Canadian, I can understand the ethical dilemma. My advice to you based on having also come from a country where corruption and wrongdoing is completely unacceptable, to one where it is not only the norm, but also encouraged is to just walk away from this situation altogether. Who would you report it to? Somebody probably equally corrupt? What good will it do? The likely end result is that it backfire and it's YOU who loses your job not the corrupt employee.

You're in Vietnam, best to leave your Canadian ethics set back home.... they will only drive you crazy in countries as corrupt as the ones we've chosen to live in.

James      Expat-blog Experts Team

Thanks for the input... sad having to swallow this but you are 100% correct.

It just that if I am allowing this to happen once it will happen again because the employee reports to me. And she has admitted that she has done it and I also have proof of the forgery signatures.

Well, if the employee is junior to you and you can deal with it without going elsewhere in the organzation then take her aside, tell her that it will not be allowed to happen again or you will report it. Perhaps that will clear up the matter.

Unfortunately we do have to accept that in many countries corruption is a way of life, built into the system and you cannot end it singlehandedly.

I don't know how bad it is in VN, but here in Brazil standing up against it or reporting it can even get you killed. The Brazilians even have their own name for such killings... "queima de arquivos" (burning the files).

Our moral values don't always work in other countries, we shouldn't even expect them to.

Just from quickly looking at the 2014 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) put out by Transparency International, VN is ranked 119 out of 145 countries, while Brazil surrprisingly is 69. That would tell me that it would likely be even more dangerous in VN to try to fight corruption. Yikes

Thanks for the input James; I will definitely have to pull her aside & give her a lecture; but this will still not satisfy my tolerance of such conduct  :(
This is very basic offense that every adult/employees should understand not to commit; what I don't understand is how can she take it so lightly; to be fair to her I don't think she knows that she has committed an offense by signature forgery?!


1. Pull her aside & give her a lecture, she might not understand how serious it was ... If the matter is clear up -> you should take it easy and forget it,
2. If she do it again, fire he (keep your evident with you to protect yourself).


Fire that staff if the losses are not huge.

Sue him if is worth it.

if you are forgiving enough and he is valuable, educate him on the consequences and supervise your document process.

At the same time, implement document security procedures to tighten your supervision on the documents.

By the way, this is a very common act in many companies here.

there is no loss because it was an employment letter for a Philippino to get working permit in VN.
I am just upset because it is a basic principal that you don't sign your boss' or anyone's signature without their consent; it is also an act of lack of respect...

Those words are very aggressive and personal opinion. Sorry to say that to you James. I understand that we have a lot of corruption in this country but we young generation are trying to reduce it and make this country better by day. Corruption is everywhere, just the prevalence of it at which level. Making fake signature of bosses is prohibited at the offices. You could report this issue to your bosses too. As my understanding that one did it without any confirmation from bosses then should ask him why did he do that? Is that his personal business?
The office regulation is the same at every place it is just the different ways to handle it.
First time could be warning then no more excuse for the next repeating issue maybe.


Hello Trang NT,

First of all I didn't invent the information about the level of corruption in Vietnam, it was extensively researched by Transparency Internation and ranks every country in the world.

Unless you have personally lived in some country where corruption at every level, not just in government, DOES NOT exist and is not tolerated then you have absolutely no point of reference to even make a comment.

The member who originally posted this topic is from Canada, a country where corruption is severely punished and people go to jail for the kind of actions he describes. I highly doubt that anyone in Vietnam would go to jail for such activities, so please spare us your righteous indignation. Until the Vietnamese people stop talking about corruption and actually start doing something to combat it you had better get used to people commenting on the corruption that is endemic in your nation.

The original poster is NOT going to accomplish anything by reporting the employee to anyone else within his company. If anything he will only place his job and possibly his personal safety at risk by doing so. As a Vietnamese unless you've lived in Canada then you have absolutely no idea just what a crisis of conscience that this causes him because it goes against all of the values that he holds dear. This is exactly why I advised him to simply walk away from the situation and forget it. He will never change it, and that will be enough to drive him crazy if he lets it.

Do you think Canadians, or Americans invented the practice of paying "Tea Money", to everyone from the garbage collector all the way up to the leaders of your nation? That's something that you guys invented and keep going strong until today.



Thanks a lot for your information.
I never pointed out who do invent and continue to do corruption or what else. What i thought is my point of view on corruption. You are a very experiment man so you understand well that corruption does not exist in a single country. It is related to many things.
in the meantime, you should not say that you guys invented it and continue to do it till today. It means you putting all of us into that rubbish things. I will totally agree with you if you say that some ppl invent corruption and still do it.

Thanks a lot,



Don't speak for the Americans. We have billionaires buying presidential elections, lobbyists etc. We legalize corruption. Can't see the harm in a little "tea money".



This topic is quite a sensitive one.
Have you already received all the answers to your questions? If yes, can i please close this thread?

Thank you

Priscilla  :cheers:

Please close; thanks.

-closed, as agreed by the topic initiator-

wishing you a great day,

