Voip Technology

Is Voip technology available in Bahrain? Does anyone know if I can bring here my UK number. I am thinking about having a representative office and would like my UK clients to call me on my UK number. I will appreciate comments and advise

Doesn't VOIP work purely over the Internet, meaning if there is internet you have VOIP? Correct me if I am wrong.

I have a UK number with skype's VOIP system. It works very well... if the internet is good enough to support it.

Yes I use the same - it works perfectly.

Hi, I meant VOIP services wherein you can have a regular phone connection (overlapping lines, hold button, etc.

Great. Thank you

inadvance wrote:

Hi, I meant VOIP services wherein you can have a regular phone connection (overlapping lines, hold button, etc.

Skype does that.
My dear old mum has no technology past her basic phone, but I can happily call her using skype, just as she can use my skype UK local number to call me.
I can add other calls to the call, making a three way call, and everything else you can do on normal land lines, including voicemail.

You mean Skype which we pay for right?

inadvance wrote:

You mean Skype which we pay for right?

Skype to skype is free.
Skype to land lines is a charged service, but you can get extremely cheap deals on calls to given countries or areas.
It's very easy to set up, and works very well.