Books Shipping from US to Saudi

Hi everyone.  What is the best, most economical way to send several boxes of books from the US to Saudi Arabia?  How long does it take to arrive? sends books for free after purchase on their website

Unless you're shipping your household furnishings by container or shared container and include the books too, it's probably going to be much cheaper for you to start re-building your library by scouring through used book shops once you arrive in KSA. You should be able to find decent English language books for sale even in KSA if you look around.

Just remember even if you are talking about rare books, unless you intend to remain in KSA for the rest of your days, you're eventually going to have to ship those books back home too.

Books are quite heavy when boxed and it's not going to take too many boxes to drive you into bankruptcy. Hardly worth the effort unless they're rare books, first editions, etc. No matter who you use for shipping they're going to charge you by weight and volume, not the number of boxes.

James              Expat-blog Experts Team

Definately not bringing all of them, but I need to ship some professional ones related to work that will be very hard to attain there.

Just a thought but could you get these books on a kindle?  Might be cheaper than shipping a load of books

I would recommend bringing them with you as part of your luggage and that way you might pay extra for the additional luggage fees on the airplane, but you will have them with your immediately when you land.
Good Luck!