Difference between Guangzhou and Shenzhen?

I know both are polluted.
I just want to know why most people prefer
Shenzhen over Guangzhou?

I am a foreigner and both look the same
to me, from the outside. I find the rents more affordable in Guangzhou and I can probably find nicer apt's which are a third of the price than in Shenzhen.

What would I be giving up in Shenzhen?

I pretty much factored everything else that I wanted

Good Weather
Lots of opportunity
Close to Hong Kong
Good pay
Lots to do

Guangzhou has the same why not get a nicer place and live there? I just don't know the secret. :P

Any help is appreciated.

Shenzhen is a very young city (only 30 years). Guangzhou is a very old city(near 3000 years). Shenzhen was built for recovering Hongkong.

I think there is more people in Guangzhou but it's more spread out I think Shenzhen maybe too condensed that's why everyone's on top of eachother.

what is distance between the two cities

It's simple economics, close to Hong Kong, new young urban area with a ton of money being invested by the government and the public sectors. I also considered Guangzhou yet was not cool with the air as well as the water pollution. Shenzhen will exceed New York city's importance in the world economy in the next decade. I personally want to be in the fastest growing city in the world. Key location for starting a import/export business. It is located in the economic zone therefore is exempt from a lot of outrageous taxes the Chinese government require from other cities throughout China. Shenzhen is the money city, why do you think all these people flock to this city, because it's wonderful, no because it's where the most opportunity is. Being at the right place at the right time is how you succeed in life. I plan on staying in Shenzhen another 3-5 yrs to get the business started and then just travel back and forth from the states. Economy is hard in the states so I'm here to change the direction of my future. You live here you will have opportunities you would never have in your home countries.