Hello, err can anybody accept me?

Hi, I'm new to this blog, and I have no intention to cause any public indecency. But, since the first rule of blending in is the ice-breaking session, so here I am not knowing what to write. Well hey, I have something to share, I am from Malaysia, and am looking forward to set my foot in Norway. So, what's next? anyone would like to share any experience? or perhaps some bitter opinions?

Hello asyrani and welcome on board :)

Kindly Note that your post is now on the Norway Forum.

First of all I kindly invite you to present yourself, Name, Age, profession and interest. So that members do get to know you before interaction.

Do you have special plans for Norway? Anything yet in your mind you want to share with us?



Welcome on board- have you read through some of the threads already in the forum? We have lots of information people have already posted regarding how to get started here and how to find a job. It's a good place to start.