Panama or Belize

Looking at a few places to retire and both are on the short list. If y'all had to pick one which one would y'all choose and why?

Maybe you should directly ask on the Belize and Panamaforums ? :)

Funny. Who stole your hat??

If you help me to retire in either of this place i will retire....but i need good bank balance ;)

I've looked at both of these places and ended up voting "none of the above."

Belize wins in: cheaper real estate and speaks english.  That's about it.  The health care is worse, more government corruption, and more violent crime.

Panama: Better health care, safer, more retiree benefits, more flights to more places.  But know spanish.

My personal thought is if you're going to have to learn Spanish anyway go somewhere with a better climate and a higher standard of living like Chile or Spain.


Panama seems less " Wild West " from what I've been reading in the papers but still want more opinions. Thanks everyone for there responses so far.

Me too!!!!

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