British Embassy Consular Contact

I have been appointed as a Brit consular contact to assist ex pats in the Veliko Tarnovo area with any matters of concern. and provide Embassy contacts etc.
I will shortly begin to build a list of contacts both individuals and ex pat groups etc. I'd like to atttend some group meetings to get to know people and their concerns etc so in advance I'd be happy to take contact details via my e mail here or directly to
[Moderated: pls do not post your phone number on the Forum for safety reasons]

My principal concern would be the British Embassy knowing where I am. The UK has too much control inside its own borders without giving it more outside.

lol worldlywanderer. sometimes ex pats will need a bit of help dealing with the manderins of the Civil Service

Hi Ron -
Congrats to a fellow Scot on the appointment, and best of luck!

Cheers Georgie B......flying the flag lol

Well done Ron
A terrific appointment and good for the expat community too.


Thanks Beahor. Already I found groups of ex pats in VT area so I am setting up a Facebook group to bring them together after that I hope to extend to the wider community