Medical doctor who can specalise in liver???


Does anyone know a doctor in Athens who specialises in liver problems or maybe can point me in right direction?

I just took some blood tests and my liver results showed some considerable problem, so I need to find a specialist who can diagnose further...



louie1983au wrote:


Does anyone know a doctor in Athens who specialises in liver problems or maybe can point me in right direction?

I just took some blood tests and my liver results showed some considerable problem, so I need to find a specialist who can diagnose further...



hi Louis,yes I certainly can direct you to my extremely good specialist gastroenterologist who co-ordinates with a liver specialist in Athens,I have been under his care along with a top general surgeon for many years,having had major surgery and big,big problems which now seem to be over,thanks to them.They are of course private,a consultation with the gastro is 60 euro but well worth it.He always insists on lots of tests so as to really see what is going on and he is a good human being.His name is Mr Scouros 210 7294315,2107261609,he is in his evening clinic monday,tuesday,and thursday,speaks perfect English,I wish everything to be ok for you,concertina


Thanks for this, I have since found and seen a doctor. In the process of having more tests done. Nothing appears serious at this stage.


Hi....My father had been diagnosed with cancer of liver which had metastised from colon...

Dr. George Tzimas... was great and educated in Montreal