Tour Brazil

I will be in Brazil on the 25th of March.

Any ideas where I should go to see tourist spots and beaches. I will be flying in Sao Paulo. But i might go anywhere after that.

Help.. I am a Filipino who lives in  Minnesota, USA. :)

Hi nanciejh,

Welcome to!

I have moved your topic on the Brazil forum for better visibility.


Hi nanciejh,

São Paulo is about a four or five hour drive from the beach and right at the moment I would NOT recommend spending any time on the Baixada Santista (Santos, Praia Grande, Guarujá, São Vincente) because of the extremely high rate of crime in those cities which seems to be going completely unchecked. It's completely unsafe for a woman, especially if you are travelling alone.

I would recommend take a connecting flight out to Rio, which now that Carnaval is over with won't be so packed and I'm sure you will enjoy it there.

Before you travel please be sure to read my posting "A Gringo's Survival Guide for Brazil" and make sure you follow all the safety tips given.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog Team