QUESTIONS! (office life, relationships, conflict resolution, and MORE!

I am considering a job for UNICEF in Kampala.
I am looking for information about OFFICE LIFE in Kampala.
how are conflicts handled?
what is the chain of command in offices?
relationships with bosses and coworkers?
what is office life for women?

What should I know before moving to Kampala about daily life?

I'd love to just chat with someone if possible!
Email me [email protected]


Hope u doin well!
Uganda is absolutely fine and i guarantee that you will like it! Come get your work done!
Feel free to ask anything I will answer you!
1. Conflicts can be avoided totally though the Courts Of Law are there to hand any big issues!
2. The relationship between the Boss and Coworkers is often Open! Free and simple to eachothers!
3. Office life for a woman in Kampala is as normal! They are free to do anything and can speak out anytime!
4. What you have to know before coming is that life here is what you make it!
    It's absolutely in your hands!
5. I promise you the best of my company!

(moderated: stop copy and paste)

Let us chat on gmail then I will fill you gmail address is [email protected]

Jim10, why don't you direcly help here ? that would be much appreciated ;)

Hello drewwilliam and welcome to!

May I know what you are talking about?

Thank you,

If you're working for UNICEF / any other internet NGO, in Uganda you will no doubt have some of the familiar ways of working from 'back home.' However, they will not necess be adhered to.
Bear in mind that a simple thing like rain can mess up your day! There's traffic chaos, and if you get into work on time, then your co-workers probably won't. Illness and death are more common  - so expect ppl to suddenly take a day or two off.
how are conflicts handled? that depends on each company I would expect. Some ppl scream and shout, others pretend everything's ok then suddenly leave.
relationships with bosses and coworkers? Ugandan society is mostly traditional and thus hierarchical. ppl 'fear' their bosses and are used to being told what to do, even shouted at. what is office life for women? There's a lot more sexual harrassment in Ugandan society than in the West.
What should I know before moving to Kampala about daily life?
There are a million things I could tell you, but I'll stick to one word: COME!
Kampala / Uganda is a great place, I've worked here 3 years and I love it.
I've been keeping my 'Diary of a Muzungu' here

I am from India. Now i am looking job in kampala and i will be there on 1st feb-2012. I am in International Sales (IT and BPO). Please help me if you can.
Thanks in advance.